Watching Our Family Grow

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It's been a while since the twins were born. We are doing great. We are getting ready to go on another annivasry soon. I cant belive we are going to be married 2 years coming up and 2 kids already. I still think about that day when me and Alan were first dating and we talked about our future about getting married, buying our house, me moving in with him, having children and changing our minds almost all the time on how many we wanted until we finally decided to have between 4-8. I know, I know crazy to think that. Alan came in from work and I had stayed home with the kids. He walked up to me and dipped me and kissed my lips. I moaned in the kiss. It felt amazing just like the first time we kissed. "Hey baby" he said. I said "Hey babe back" "How was your day" he said. I said "Good. I spent sometime with the kids and got some house work done". "How was work" I said. "It was good babe. The guys miss you. They want to know when we are all getting back together. They miss the twins" He said. Chris said that he was planning on stopping by one day. He said he would let me know. I said "Ok". I miss them too Alan. "We deffently need to get back together and do dinner again. Remember that night babe". I said with a wicked smile and sexy tone. He said "Yes". "So I dont have to remind you about that night or have to rehash that night". I said to him. "No babe" he said.

I remember that night like it was yesterday. Us having dinner with the cast after the movie premier and interviews and me flirting with him and him doing it back to me at dinner.

Seeing him with our children makes me smile. He's so good with Alan Jr. And Rebecca. He's very active in their lives as they are growing up and when he comes home their eyes and smiles get wide when they see him come home even when its been a long day. I couldnt ask for anything better. God I love this man and everything about him. He's an amazing husband and father and I cant wait to see our family continue to grow.

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