Chapter 10

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Jaw dropped.

Eyes large as plates.

Skin pale as snow.

They felt nothing but surprise and anger. She is dead. After just 2 months of returning to Fairy Tail, she is dead. The woman wearing green spoke words everyone in the guild hated to hear. Everyone but Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe. They, in particular, enjoy this scene.

Instead of their mouths wide open, it is replaced with a smirk.

Instead of shocked eyes, it is replaced with a devious stare.

"Y-You killed Lyra?..." Natsu whispered, his salmon hair shadowing those dark charcoal eyes.

His fist of fire became larger as it now engulfed his entire arm. The dragon slayer raced his way towards the four mages, who seem to be amused by this. The leader of the Thunder God Tribe, Freed Justine, stopped the angry fire breather before he could attack the tall blonde.

The cackling sound of lightning never stopped, it continuously electrocuted the female. Suddenly, four bolts of yellow light zoomed towards the second generation Lightning Dragon Slayer. Laxus instantly dispersed the bolt before it could reach him. The Fairy Tail members glanced back at the presumed dead blonde. She fluttered open her iris to reveal her irises. Unique in every possible way.

One blue as the ocean.

One black as the night sky.

They all sighed in relief and returned to their previous doings. The rather new members still remained in a state of shock. They are not quite familiar of the relationship Laxus and Lyra have.

"H-how?" Lucy stuttered, her large doe eyes staring at the grinning blonde.

Laxus made his way to the blonde, his team team splitting to different parts of the guild. Socializing, it has been long since they returned to the guild.

"Nii-san!" She yelled before wrapping her arms around his waist as he gently rubbed her back.

"Brother?" Wendy asked, looking between the two blondes.

"How did you survive that?!" Lucy asked.

The lightning dragon slayer ruffled the short female's hair as she slapped his hand away, stopping him from doing anymore damage than he already did.

"She always finds a way to deflect all my lightning" He responded while crossing his arms over his chest.

Lucy and Wendy nodded, but a question still wandered the mind of the Sky Dragon Slayer.

"Is Laxus-san your brother?" The little blue haired girl asked.

"Not biologically, but he still is my brother"

Her hand gently clasped the silver bracelet back on her wrist, those multi coloured eyes slowly returning to their natural ocean blue.

.::. .::. .::. .::. .::.

"Lyra, I have been wondering something for a long time"

Two blonde females walked the street of Fiore. Each carrying a large amount of bags filled with clothing. Shopping Spree is what it's called, since the two just finished a mission all by themselves.

"Yeah Lucy?" She responded, looking over at her blonde companion.

Looking at the duo from the back, they look exactly like twins. Well, one being slightly taller than the other and having short hair. They paused their spree and took a seat on a bench.

"What are you exactly...?"

Lyra furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Lucy.

"I-I d-didn't intend for that to be...insulting. I mean, what are your abilities? Not many people in the guild know, s-some even think..." The blonde paused as she played with her thumbs, " don't have abilities, I-I'm not saying you don't have any, well I know you have one- it's just that some people- I'm not saying everyone!-"

She couldn't find the right words to explain her curiosity. Why does the presence of Lyra make her nervous now? Is it the fact that she doesn't know what she's capable of? Or just utter confusion.

"It's alright Lucy, I understand" Noticing her loss of words, Lyra interrupted, "I'm what you may call a fusion, being a mix of Dragon and God Slayer."

"What kind?"

"Water Dragon Slayer and Crystal God Slayer, but I am an 'artificial' God Slayer."

The other blonde slightly 'oh'-ed in realization on why she could deflect the Lightning.

"D-doesn't that overwhelm you?" Lucy asked her blonde friend, her big brown eyes staring at her with curiosity.

"I suppose, I haven't used them in a while...I wear a Canceling Brace to avoid using it" Lyra responded, raising her wrist to show the chain link accessory.


"Because-" The words never escaped her lips, her face showing concentration.

The blonde instantly turned her neck to the left, her azure eyes narrowing showing that she is on high alert. Her spine straightened as tension filled the air. After a few minutes or so, she rolled her shoulders and relaxed.

"Oh, it's just Wendy" Lyra mumbled, standing from the bench and walking towards a tree.

Her hand grabbed a blue cloth and pulled it from behind the plant. A blue haired little girl screamed in shock as he pulled away from the trunk of the tree.

"Wendy? What are you doing?" Lucy asked, standing as well.

She rose her hands in defense gave an innocent smile.

"Natsu-san and Gajeel-san were worried that you two haven't returned yet, so they told me to look for you. They said it is less suspicious" The girl said with a nervous laugh.

The blondes sweat-dropped. Sure, make a little girl search for them.

"And I heard all about your powers Lyra-san!!" She said smiling, showing off her white teeth.

Carla soon dropped out from the tree, her paws clutching onto her head. The exceed sat on the ground, eyes closed as her eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

"Carla! What's wrong?" The blue eyed blonde attempted to comfort the feline.

But taking a step forward only caused Carla to move back. Moments later, sweat ran down the cat's temple as she stared at a certain blonde with wide eyes. She pointed a shaky paw at Lyra.


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