Chapter 23

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"L-L-Lyra you don't understand... I love Natsu"

Love...a simple word that holds a complex meaning. Everyone wants it...yet not all strive for it. Most people understand it...yet no one can recognize it. A few believe they are in love but it is simply a strong crush, a phase. But staring into Lucy's circular brown irises, anyone could see that what she is saying is true.

Lucy truly loves Natsu.

What right does Lyra have going in between her long term feelings? Well it is a fact that Lyra has known Natsu for longer but she had gone missing and that had effect on the fire dragon slayer. Luckily, Lucy stepped in and slowly healed Natsu's broken self.

Lyra slowly raised her hand, her index finger swirling in a circular motion. The crystals, previously covering her arm, dissolved into thin air, leaving a bit of dust in the air. She attempted to touch the blonde's shoulder, desperately wanting to comfort her. Lucy truly needed someone to do just that, but not from the person that is the main cause of her heart break. With that in mind, she moved her shoulder away, avoiding Lyra's fingers.

"Everything was going well... I felt like he was the one... But the day you stepped into Fairy Tail... It was as if I never existed..."

Anyone could see the hurt clear in her doe like eyes. But behind all that sadness, there is a small hint of anger. That anger is due to Lyra entirely ignoring her feelings. That small drop of anger completely took over her mind, the hatred consuming her thoughts. That is exactly why they are sitting in the middle of a cracked pavement with blood staining their clothes. It is nearly impossible that they are still alive!

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't expect for things to go the way they did" Lyra responded, the sadness clear in her voice.

"Of course you didn't! All you care for is yourself! You will hurt anyone just to get what you want!"

"Lucy I honestly am sorry!!"

"It's too late now... Lyra I too am sorry... but I cannot do anything anymore... They are coming for you... and they will kill anyone just to get to you..." The regret is evident in the blonde's words, all she wanted was for Natsu to fall in love with her and now she may have started a battle...A battle that Fairy Tail may not win.

No words came from her mouth, due to both being speechless and not wanting to speak. Instead, Lyra stood and simply limped away, her right hand clutching onto her hip. She needed all the support she can get. The controlling spell Misaki used on Lucy must've worn off because she stood straight up and followed her former friend. She grabbed onto Lyra's arm and draped it on her shoulder. The two blonde females headed towards Fairy Hills, scratches clear on their pale skin. 

When they finally made it to her apartment room, they cleaned themselves; being as gentle as possible due to their body being incredibly sore. Lyra left quite the bruise on Lucy's stomach. Well, Lucy won't be revealing her stomach for a while.

Something suddenly clicked in her brain, how did Lucy even meet Misaki? She began to think back on the events that happened during the short time of her return.

It must've happened during the mission with Wendy!!

(Refer to Chapter 16)

"PLEASE LYRA! THEY'RE SELLING CELESTIAL KEYS!" Lucy pleads, hoping that she would finally give in.

Sighing, she simply nodded, "Five minutes, now hurry we might miss our train!!"

The celestial mage cheered in happiness, she finally has permission! The bystanders stared at the blondes weirdly. It looked like a mother letting the daughter go out on her own. Lucy rushed into the shop, a trail of dust left after every step. Excitement coursed through her veins at the thought of more keys!!

Lucy practically tore the brown double doors of the shop as she rushed inside. Her pale hand was like a magnet, grabbing onto a shiny silver key. Once the key is in her grasp, her legs carried her body to the line of people wanting to pay for merchandise. The celestial mage tapped her foot impatiently, wanting to get the payment over with. Looking at the line up, she might have to wait a while.

"Lucy Heartifilia I suppose?" The voice instantly brought her back to reality.

She had not realized that her mind had completely zoned out. Those brown irises glanced to the right, noticing a long brown haired female with a dark cloak. She revealed her pearl white teeth, smiling as wide as possible. The happiness has not yet worn off.

"Yes that is me, who are you?"

"I am Misaki of Deimos, I am guessing you are familiar with someone named Lyra?"

Right at that moment, Lucy sensed something is wrong. The aura emitting from Misaki is definitely not right. Her paranoia is confirmed when the brunette pressed her thumb against Lucy's forehead. It all happened in the blink of an eye, with time practically stopping. The celestial mage went completely blank, her mind losing all thought as her eyes shown no emotion. Misaki began chanting an ancient spell in a lost language. No one seen what was happening; they all froze in place as if Lucy and Misaki were the only ones in the world.

A black mark began forming on Lucy's arm, the infamous Mark of Deimos. The brunette slowly removed her hand, a smirk find its way to her lips.

"You despise Lyra Callisto"

"I despise Lyra Callisto"

The spell enhances the hatred of a certain person and lets the spell caster control their movements. But a strong spell takes time to take action, anywhere from a few hours to a few days. A flash of light blinded Lucy causing her to shield her now sensitive eyes. Everything returned to normal, movement of the buyers became clear. But one thing has changed, the brunette is nowhere in sight.

Lyra patiently sat at a bench, her arms resting on her crossed legs. A blue haired mage stood in front of the blonde, pacing back and forth. It's been a while since Lucy entered that store, probably over fifteen minutes.

"What's taking that blonde so long?" She asked Wendy.

As the female stood up, planning to head into the store, her friend walked out the doors.

"Look Lyra, I bought a key called Lyra!" Lucy cheered, holding up a silver celestial key.

"What does she do?" Lyra asked, quite happy she shares the name of a celestial spirit.

"She plays music!"

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