Chapter 32

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"You have to go through Fairy Tail before you can even think about taking Lyra!" Erza screamed, the blade of her sword clashing with the sword of a Deimos member.

They all had engaged in battle, strength against intelligence, no one knows who will win. They were an equal match, attack after attack. But with all that going on, two Deimos members did not fight, they simply watched from the sidelines. Those members are the sister leaders, waiting for the arrival of a certain Fusion Slayer.

"She's near!" Misaki exclaimed, her hand placed on the ground, "Are you sure Reina is okay with this?"

"Reina wants her revenge; we are just simply making her job easier."

"Rin you didn't answer my question, is Reina okay with this?!"


Lie...What people believe to be small little lies can be the cause of terrible things...such as death.

"Are you-"

The young brunette practically rolled down the small hill where she sat. A blonde blur had zoomed by and knocked Misaki right off her feet. The duo rolled further away from the battle zone, both wanting the upper hand. Misaki pinned the blonde to the ground, throwing punches from left to right.

"We helped you...and this you back?!" Misaki screamed in between breaths, her knuckles becoming numb.

She retracted her arm one last time, preparing to land a powerful punch square in the blonde's face. Before it could crack her nose, Lyra finally decided to take action. She grasped Misaki's incoming fist and easily flipped her over, switching their positions. The blonde followed the brunette's moves, retracting her arm and landing punches. Before the first powerful hit could touch her pale face, the body beneath her disappeared. The punch instead landed on the grassy dirt, causing a crater to form.

"MISAKI" Lyra growled, pure anger clear in her loud booming voice.

She kneeled for a second or two, a hand placed firmly on the grass. If she was not in the middle of a battle, the feeling would actually be relaxing. The cool winds blew on her golden strands, causing it to flow behind her back. It seemed as though Misaki had disappeared from the face of the Earth, her presence could not be found at all.

"Ah!" Lyra screamed in shock, her neck being forcefully bent back.

It felt as if her scalp is being ripped and clawed at, her body falling back and onto the ground.

"Your hair is so soft...and long... far longer than mine"

The petite brunette squatted over her, blonde strands running through her slender fingers. Hair is such a nuisance. She decided to act fast, taking her position to Lyra's advantage. The blonde wrapped her fingers around Misaki's neck, making sure to cut off her circulation. With one swift movement, she flipped over and landed with a thud on the ground.

That is Misaki's style of fighting. She is similar to Levy, a more brain than brawn type of wizard.

The Deimos leader wrapped and arm around the Dragon Slayer's legs, preventing her from standing. With a groan, she kicked her shoulder and quickly stood back up. Knowing that the battle is going nowhere, she decided to end things early. Her left struggled to unclasp the bracelet, but managed after a few tries. The odd multicoloured irises appeared, the Slaying magic practically spilling out of her body. She had worn it for far too long, something about it seemed wrong.

'Just a little rusty' she thought, brushing the feeling off.

"The Fusion Slayer"

"Mizu doragon no hōkō (Water Dragon's Roar)" She clasped a fist over her mouth, proceeding the power Dragon Slaying spell.

A large tornado of water sourced from her hand and sped off into the direction of the enemy. The enemy simply disappeared once more, rendering the spell completely useless.

"We all know your energy level is low" The voice seemed to be coming from everywhere, "You cannot keep this up for long Blondie."

"AGH" She screamed in frustration, slamming a powerful punch in the ground.

The earth rumbled from the hit, causing cracks and craters to appear. The frustration is taking over her mind, polluting it with the pure intention to kill.


"Find me~...Find me~...Find me~..." The voice sung in such a light and angelic way, it could rock a baby to sleep. The soft voice repeated the same two words, taunting and daring the blonde.

She sharply turned her head to the right, looking over her shoulder. A thick, large blade buzzed passes her face, a little too close for comfort. Unfortunately, the sharp edge had caught her cheek, causing a small slit to appear. A squeal is heard, the sound of metal slicing muscle and meat ringing in her ears. Lyra glanced forward, her eyes noticing Erza standing at the top of the small hill.

"Right behind you Lyra" The redhead warned; running back into the battle against Deimos.

Knowing what she meant, the blonde spun 180 degrees. She came face to face with the enemy, a pained look clear on her face. The blade had impaled into her shoulder, blood spilling onto her cloak. Without a second thought, Lyra grabbed onto the handle and stuck it further.

"Lyra chan..."

His warm hand searched the cold (and empty) bed, desperately wanting to feel the small bundle wrapped in a blanket. He could not feel that familiar skin, nor smell the wonderful scent. His dark, charcoal black eyes snapped open, quickly becoming aware of the missing body. He slowly lifted his head off the pillow, scanning the entire room.

"Lyra chan?" He called once more, hoping to finally receive an answer.


The only thing his hyper sensitive hearing could notice is the annoying sound of the leaky faucet, drops of water coming out and splashing onto the sink.

He can feel it...down under his the very pit of his stomach...The feeling of jumping into a freezing cold ocean, expecting to be enveloped in warm waters. It is a terrible feeling, like a million spiders biting on every inch of your skin and there's nothing you can do but watch. It feels utterly horrible, like watching the person you love, and would die for, be murdered in a slow agonizing death. A mate knows exactly when his other half is in pain...hurting...physically and mentally...he knows that she has encountered a problematic state.

Natsu Dragneel leapt on his feet, the blanket once covering him fluttered down on the rug. His obsidian eyes noticed the open door, the drapes swaying from side to side due to the light wind. He sprinted to action, climbing on the window sill and pushing out the window.

He could sense it...the panic she is in...The weariness she is currently going through. Lyra Callisto is known to be strong, a famous S-Class mage. But they all know, powerful things don't last very long. This rule applies to many things such as speed. A sprinter cannot keep up their fast pace for long, they are made to run for a short period of time. Another disadvantage is the fact that she had not used her Slaying magic for quite a while; it is hard to believe that she is even a mage.

'I'm coming for you Lyra' He thought, determination clear on his features.

Natsu soon realized he had made it to Fairy Tail, but everything is wrong. Battles happen regularly in the guild, but not battles to the death. Mages fought around the guild building, blood decorated the battle field. The flag that hung in the front is ripped and tattered, multiple arrows stuck in the fabric. His eyes landed on Gajeel, struggling to fend off two enemies dressed in dark cloaks. Natsu decided to intervene the battle, his flaming fist connecting with the cheek of the enemy.

"Thanks Natsu"

"Where is Lyra?"

"She is in her own battle"

The Fire Dragon Slayer almost ran off, in search for his mate who is in need of help. But he is stopped by a force on his open vest, pulling him back.

"Natsu she is in a problem she must solve herself. In the mean time, help us protect the guild building!"

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