Chapter 15

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"But then I'd be hurt"

The blonde is slightly taken aback, why is he saying this all of a sudden. She knew him as the outgoing, dense, loud, and reckless person. But not the kind of person that has well...feelings! That may sound weird but he hardly shown romantic feelings.

"Natsu I think its better if we don't-" Lyra's words instantly stopped as the outgoing pink haired male interrupted.

"I already made you my mate, it was accidentally but still!!" He said.

That is when the blonde instantly realized what he meant. Her cobalt eyes stared at the palm of her hand with two small circles in the middle.

"Does this even count?! I don't think it works that way" She responded, holding up her hand for emphasis.

The fire dragon slayer rolled his eyes as a grin made its way to his lips. His arms wrapped around her waist as he spun her around, completely overjoyed.

"There's no going back" 

From afar, a figure stood at the very top of a building. It's feet at the tip of the roof. Over its body is a dark coloured cloak with a symbol printed on the fabric. The symbol is a simple circle with a five pointed star. Over the figure's head is a hood, shadowing the top half of its face. The only thing visible is it's smirking mouth, looking quite devious.

"Soon Callisto, very soon"

*Knock Knock*

"I'm so excited about this!" Lucy cheered, slightly jumping up and down as she clapped.

"Lucy-san its only a mission" A blue-haired mage said, slightly amused by the blonde's excitement.

"I know but I need my rent money"

Sighing, Wendy knocked on the door once more. They heard a faint groan and a few thuds from the other side of the door. The silver doorknob began to twist as the wooden door slowly swung open. It revealed a female with messy hair. Her tired eyes clearly show that she had just woken up. But what caught their attention is her clothing. Simple blue pajama shorts with a matching bra. Over the lingerie is a familiar black, gold trimmed, sleeveless, open waistcoat. The two strong female mages gasped at the sight of that piece of clothing. The tired blonde rubbed her eyes and yawned. Wendy's cheeks slightly reddened at Lyra's revealing attire. 

"What do you want?" She asked sleepily, "Oh how rude of me, come in".

The female let them into her apartment and quietly shut the door.

"Lyra, we were wondering if you wanted to go on a mission" Lucy spoke, taking a seat at her desk.

The blonde's eyes widened in realization, "My rent!"

Lyra had done many requests since the mission with Lucy just 1 week ago. No matter how much jewels she receives, it seems to just disappears that same day. Maybe it's the way her entire world brightens at the thought of buying more food. This specific female seems to have a never ending crave for food. This obsession for food causes the jewels meant for rent to vanish. Of course, she can simply take an S-Class mission and pay for everything, but she would end up with more than she needed. She would rather let someone who needs the jewels to take the requests.  

"We can leave right now if you want, its just a simple mission to defeat a group of thieves" Wendy said, following Lucy's lead and taking a seat on the messy bed.

Nodding, she made her way to her closed bathroom door. Her foot began to pound on the white painted door, hard enough to make a loud sound but gentle enough not to break it.

"Natsu hurry up, I'm going on a mission!!" She screamed at the person currently taking a shower in her bathroom.

The two mages froze, realizing that a man is in her apartment using the bathroom!!

"Boys aren't aloud at Fairy Hills" The sky dragon slayer whispered, fiddling with her thumbs.

The blonde continued to kick at the door, "You hear that Natsu? No boys allowed!!"

"Alright alright I'm done!!" The dragon slayer responded with equal volume.

"You took too long!!"

"Well its not my fault someone spilled juice all over me!"

Maybe that's a bad habit that she has. Instead of drinking one cup of water right when you wake up, she drinks a whole cup of juice. Somehow, she believes that it helps her sleep more. This female isn't exactly a morning person. She prefers going straight back to sleep once done drinking. 

"Well if you weren't so loud then that wouldn't have happened!"

"Okay okay I'm out!"

The door of the bathroom soon opened to reveal the one and only, Natsu Dragneel. He is in his usual knee length trouser and scarf, but of course his waistcoat is missing.

"Oi, Lucy! Wendy!" He smiled, waving his hand as a greeting.

"I'll meet you two at the guild" Lyra said, hoping the two would leave.

Not that she did not enjoy their company, but she needed to figure out a way to kick the male out of her room. The two females nodded and headed for the door. His hand gently removed the waistcoat off of her body and slipped it on. He inhaled the scent left on the article of clothing, the scent of Lyra. Once the bluenette and blonde left, she made her way to the bathroom and prepared for yet another day at Fairy Tail.

In high hopes that nothing would go wrong at this mission.


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