Chapter 31

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"Deimos we must reach before sunrise!"

...Order after order, scream after scream, battle after battle, death after death...That is Deimos. They do not care who they hurt...They do not care what they hurt...They only care of completing the task sent by the leader, the master...And that is exactly what Rin is doing. She is aware of the risk and the deaths, but she does not care. All she does is to please Reina, the female who saved her life. Without Reina, Rin and Misaki would've been good as death.

The blonde took care of the sisters during their time of need. Rin and Misaki were spoiled as children, given everything they have ever wanted and completely oblivious to the hardships in life. But when their parents had been murdered, they have been left for dead. The two young girls ran away from their large house, scared and full of fear of being murdered as well. They did not have many relatives; even if they did they could not stay with them. Reina soon stumbled upon the homeless kids who know absolutely nothing about the outside world...Life isn't a Fairy Tale. Happily ever after is nothing but the imagination of children who have not been through difficult times. The dragon slayer helped the sisters through their tough time, showing them the problems everyone faces in life.

"Faster!" The brunette exclaimed, causing a few of the members to flinch.

Twelve hooded figures stood in uniform, their positions forming a triangle with Rin as the point. One quarter of the sun appeared over the horizon, symbolizing early morning. The grassy lot seemed rather quiet, maybe too peaceful. The lot is directly behind the Fairy Tail building, but they are not near it just yet.

"Deimos, you will not go any further!"

The voice is strong, demanding, yet feminine and music to the ears. This voice belongs to none other than the famous Titania (Queen of Fairies), Erza Scarlet. Simply by her presence caused chills to run down the leader's back. She did not expect the redhead to be at Fairy Tail, she was informed that Titania had left on a mission with the Sky Dragon Slayer. But there they are; the powerful members supposedly to be on missions. Laxus Dreyer, Raijinshū (Thunder God Tribe), Shadow Gear, Gajeel Redfox, Erza Scarlet, Wendy Marvell, Mira Jane Strauss, and Elfman Strauss all stood in a straight line, blocking their access to the Fairy Tail building.

"We ask for Lyra Callisto, you may simply hand her over to us... or we take her by force" Misaki announced, gracefully pulling down the hood.

Those violet irises stared into the very soul of the redhead, but Erza remained unfazed. She does not look the least bit disturbed, the stoic mask still on her sharp features.

"She no longer belongs to Deimos" Gajeel took a step forward, his large frame intimidating.

Those large circular ocean blue eyes snapped open, realization hitting her mind like a brick. Her head rest comfortably on a muscular yet lean arm, the man's other arm wrapped around her torso. She glanced over her shoulder, wanting to have a last look at the man she wanted to spend her entire life with. Yes, Lyra Callisto has finally decided to settle. Everyone knew they would settle down at a point in their life, but she did not know it would be with Natsu Dragneel. 

Due to their opposing elements, they've been rivals since they were children. But maybe that was their way of staying together. When they battle, the two prefer close range combat, just to stay near each other. But they had not noticed this until they had grown and understood more about love. From hate to love, that's a rather large change. The female miraculously slipped out of his tight grip, but still keeping him asleep. 

The blonde quickly lurched to her feet and raced to the bathroom. In a matter of seconds, she is dressed in the black top which reveals her midriff, matching black shorts with a camouflage bandana as a belt, and black boots; her typical day clothes. By the looks of the sky, it is still early morning.

What could Lyra possibly be stressing about early in the morning?

With her hand slowly lifting the window, she took a glance back at the male peacefully sleeping on her bed, bad mistake. She gripped the window sill, guilt consuming her mind like a hungry kid with ice cream. Lyra sped walk over to the head of the bed, staring down at the sleeping dragon slayer. Drool poured down the side of his lips as a snore escaped his mouth. With a giggle, she bent down to his level and placed a light kiss on his forehead.

"Sleep tight Natsu" She whispered.

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