Chapter 24

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The blood slowly trickled down the scratches and cuts along her pale back, the stinging pain almost unbearable. 

"L-Lucy...How is your...bruise?" The blue eyed blonde mumbled, her voice weak yet completely full of guilt. 

How could she possibly done something so cruel...So reckless? She knew deep down that hurting Lucy is the furthest of what she truly wanted to do. But something about her actions seemed... satisfying. Now that is definitely odd! It was as if her mind had completely left her body as someone else took over. Someone that she is not familiar with...

The celestial mage slowly lifted her head, her gaze averting to Lyra. An ice pack laying on her bruise, hoping that it would reduce in size. A smile made its way to her light pink lips, a real smile. This changed Lyra's entire emotion. Something so simple can cause such a great effect.

"It's getting better, how are you recovering?" 

Her mind instantly went back to the cuts stained with now dry blood. Lyra's hand gently wiped the scratches with a wet cloth, hoping all the blood would be removed. She did not bother responding to the question, a simple smile can do all the talking. 

"Lucy there is this thing that has been bothering my mind for a while...Do you really hate me?"

The blonde stared at her dragon slayer friend, her mind going crazy with thoughts. But none of those thoughts had the answer to the question.

She hesitated but finally spoke, "Natsu truly loves you...and you love him just as much...Lyra you make him happy I can never despise you! I'm sorry for the things I've done; I would never want you to hate me"

The dragon slayer stared at her friend with large blue eyes. Her head slightly tilted to the right as Lucy stared back with a worried expression. She never really meant anything she had done to Lyra, it just happened. The spell Misaki had used controlled her...controlled her actions, her thoughts, and even her feelings. Lucy is not the violent type of person, nor does she want to cause harm to others. And Lyra is quite aware of this; none of this is the celestial mage's fault.

"Lucy you don't need to apologize, you did nothing wrong!" She responded, her volume slightly increasing with each word.

Even with those words spoken, Lucy couldn't help but feel worried. What if that was all an act?

The dragon slayer smiled and headed towards the bathroom. She is in need of a long and refreshing shower; it has been a long day. Lucy had left after recovering enough to walk back to her own room. Lyra imagined how frustrated the celestial mage must be, having to pay for both the broken window and door. Maybe Lyra can pay for that since she is the one who broke them! Seems like a good idea, a new motive for the next day. Take a mission to pay for the repairs. But that is for the following day; right now all she cares about is relaxation.

The blonde dipped a toe into the water, making sure the temperature is just right before completely submerging. The worries washed away, calmness taking over. Peace and silence...All that disappearing in the blink of an eye. The white painted door of the bathroom busted open, almost off its hinges. The oh-so familiar loud pink haired mage stomped into the bathroom, mumbling things under his breath.

"Lyra-chan I am really sorry, I should've believed you when you said you didn't hurt Lucy and--- LYRA CHAN YOU DON'T HAVE CLOTHES"

It took a while for realization to slap him in the face. He simply stared at her water covered figure, arms desperately trying to hide the assets that she so dearly cared for.


She might've stolen that nickname from Gray but it definitely suited the current situation. Natsu flew straight out the window, the exact same way he came in. His behind must have a red footprint due to her hard kick.

"Natsu!" Happy cried, flying away to follow his 'dad'.

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