Chapter 16

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"Please Lyra! Pretty please!" The celestial mage practically begged on her knees as she clasped her hands together.

Her brown eyes became big as she pleaded to her Fusion Slayer friend. The slayer simply crossed her arms and shook her head from side to side. Her face is stern and stoic, trying to be as strict as possible. Lyra could not keep the act for as long as she wanted, Lucy is rather convincing.

"PLEASE LYRA! THEY'RE SELLING CELESTIAL KEYS!" Lucy plead, hoping that she would finally give in.

Sighing, she simply nodded, "Five minutes, now hurry we might miss our train!!"

The celestial mage cheered in happiness, she finally has permission! The bystanders stared at the blondes weirdly. It looked like a mother letting the daughter go out on her own. Lucy rushed into the shop, a trail of dust left after every step. Excitement coursed through her veins at the thought of more keys!!

Lyra patiently sat at a bench, her arms resting on her crossed legs. A blue haired mage stood in front of the blonde, pacing back and fourth. It's been a while since Lucy entered that store, probably over fifteen minutes.

"What's taking that blonde so long?" She asked Wendy.

As the female stood up, planning to head into the store, her friend walked out the doors.

"Look Lyra, I bought a key called Lyra!" Lucy cheered, holding up a silver celestial key.

"What does she do?" Lyra asked, quite happy she shares the name of a celestial spirit.

"She plays music!"

"We're back!!" The group of females announced as the doors of the building slammed. 

The people inside the building gave the trio a glance before continuing their previous activities. Well, most did not even notice they were gone, it only took about half a day! Wendy stretched out her arms while Carla flew all the way to Happy and Panther lily. The sight of the laughing felines made Lyra wonder, where is her exceed? The thought alone felt like lightning striking her head. Is she the only dragon slayer without an exceed? The female silently 'oh'-ed when she remembered what Gajeel had once told her. He too was without an exceed but found Panther lily at Edolas. 

Her thoughts are instantly broken as something hard yet soft slammed against her body, causing her to topple over. Lyra gently shook her head, slightly annoyed. 

"ICE PRINCESS GET OFF HER" The familiar voice filled the ears of the duo. 

The blonde finally realized her current situation. Gray, the usual shirtless male, had accidentally collided with the spaced out blonde due to his spars. The fire breather stomped over to the two, his entire arm ignited with flames. 

"Baka, it was your fault!" The Ice mage replied. 

He stood up and extended an arm out, planning to help the blonde back on her feet. Before she could grab onto his open hand, the male instantly disappeared. In his place is a pink haired dragon slayer. Natsu had kicked Gray all the way to the other side of the guild, wanting to help the female up instead. 

"Here Lyra!" Natsu said, extending his hand out just like Gray. 

Slightly confused, she accepted his help. Within seconds she is back on her feet again. Standing behind a pillar is a rather angry bluenette. Her hands clenched and eyes narrowed, anger boiling inside her. 

"Juvia's love rival, Lyra" 

Once she stood again, the fire dragon slayer raced his way towards his rival. They engaged in yet another spar. 

"Droopy eyes!" 

"Squinty eyes!" 

Not far from the loud building is the same cloaked figure from a few days ago. The figure sat on the roof of a house, its feet hanging off the edge. 

"Lyra Callisto, such a shame your life will no longer be in secrecy"   

Suddenly, a body flashed beside the cloaked figure. The person wore the same clothes except the hood is not worn. A woman with chocolate waist length hair and dark violet eyes. The female kneeled on one knee to be at the same eye level as the sitting cloaked person. 

"Target has been struck, it will take effect in precisely 12 hours" The brunette whispered, a look of victory in her eyes. 

"Perfect...It has begun" 

As the duo simply watched the guild, they noticed it is very loud. Aren't guilds usually calm?! The doors of the building slammed open. Mages practically spilled out as they continued to spar. One mage, a blue eyed blonde, caught their eye. She slammed her fist on the ground, causing her opponent to fall. The blonde slightly lifted her head and glanced at the roof where the duo sat. Her blue eyes locked on the female's dark violet eyes. Within a blink of an eye, Lyra returned to her previous battle. 

"Well" The hooded figure mumbled, "Isn't that interesting?" 

The brunette however, is the complete opposite. She is not as calm as the person beside her. Anger rushed through her veins as those shiny white teeth clenched. She knew exactly what that stare meant. It is a challenge. Challenging her to simply attack and watch as Lyra defeats her once more. 

"I cannot stand that blonde, permission to attack?" The brunette stated, her hand tightly gripping on her cloak. 

"You and I both know, that won't end well. You must wait until...her world simply collapses"

"How are you so sure?"

"Are you doubting me? Well if you must know, I am quite familiar with my own sister." 

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