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Diana: "Oh my God! You finally picked up!"

Samuel: "Oh...hey."

Diana: "Why are you so glum, chum?"

Samuel: "I'm gonna ignore that terrible thing. You know my name."

Diana: "And? It's not like I even know you."

Samuel: "You......don't?"

Diana: "Nope. I've never met a Samuel in my life."

Samuel: "That.....makes me kinda sad too."

Diana: "You'll get over it."

Samuel: "Alright then. Since you know my name...."

Diana: "No way, Jose."

Samuel: "But-"

Diana: "Samuel."

Samuel: "Okay, jeez."

Diana: "Thank you."

Samuel: "So what's up?"

Diana: "I've gotta go. I'll talk to you later, Sammy boy!"

Samuel: "Wha- Don't call me-"


Samuel: "-that. *sighs* This girl."


Raj: "Come on, Diana. Hurry up.

Diana: "I'm coming! Let's go!


Diana: 'I wonder what he's doing?'

Samuel: 'I wonder what she's doing?'

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