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Seventeen-year-old Mina stared at her phone. Her face was expressionless but her heart was about to burst.

I'm in love with my best friend

She gulped harshly and forced herself to reply.

Oh. Wow, I didn't expect that.

What's that supposed to mean?

Nothing, it's just surprising. So, what's wrong?

She'll never see me that way. I'm just her best friend.


Nah, I'm okay. It'll take time, but I'll get over her.

Yeah, that's true. I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, Chris!

Thanks, Mini.

Don't call me that, idiot XD

Whatever XD

I have to go, my friend is calling me. I'll talk to you later!

Sure. Bye Mini.

Bye, Chris :)

Mina laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling, a lone tear falling from her eye.

"Happy Valentine's day!! Do I get a gift?"

"Awww how adorable can you get?"

"Mini!!!! Don't ignore meeeee. You'll make me sad."

"Are you blushing?! Mina, you're so cute!"

She grabbed her phone and called the first person she could think of.


"Kleo?" she sniffled.

"Mina?! What's wrong boo?"

"It's not gonna work out with Chris and I." she said, chuckling sadly.

"What?! Mina, why? Things were going so well?"

"He's in love with his best friend." her voice wasn't wobbly. She wasn't that heart broken. Simply upset, confused and a tad bit angry.


"I'm not really that sad," she said. "I just want to know why he did all that. Was it just to play me?"

"Don't think about it anymore. Forget about him."

"I'll continue talking to him. But I guess I'll try to force my feelings aside and eventually get over him."

"...Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'll see you later today, okay?"

"Okay. Bye, boo."


Mina walked to her desk and opened her laptop, opening a word document. She let out a long breath.

A famous writer had once said, if you have your ending, your start comes easier. She knew unlike her, the character would definitely get a happy first love story.

Her hands began to slam on the keyboard at a quick pace, her eyes darting across the screen and brain racing. 

First Love|

First Lo|



Pull Me|

Pull Me Up When I Fall Down|


Yes / No



"So, your book."

She smiled. "Yup. It's published, out into the world. Even hit a couple of bookstores. I'm proud."

The man smiled, taking a sip of his coffee. "I always had faith in you, Mina. You were always passionate about writing."

His smile disappeared. "But the story..."

She nodded. "It was based on our story," she said, her voice soft.

"You...You had a crush on me then?"

She shrugged. "Sort of. You kinda did flirt with me a lot."

"I'm sorry about that."

Mina shook her head. "Don't apologize, Chris. You helped me a lot. I am really grateful I met you when I did. It was my way of imagining what could have happened. But I don't wish for things to have turned out differently. Stuff happens for a reason after all. I'm happy about my life."

Chris grinned. "I'm happy, Mina. I hope our friendship can be as strong as ever."

"Of course." She glanced at her watch. "I've got to meet Kelly. I'll catch you later, Chrissie," she said, jumping from her seat and walking away. She chuckled as she heard him exclaim exasperatedly from his seat.

Mina rushed to their apartment and practically flung the door open. She was met with the smell of subtle lavender and a bouquet of flowers.

"Happy anniversary, babe," said Kelly, handing her the bouquet.

Mina pressed their lips together. "Thanks, Kelly."

"Did you talk with him?"

Mina smiled, nodding. The slight hint of worry in the other's eyes didn't go unnoticed. 

Mina placed the bouquet on the side table and pulled her girlfriend close to her, resting a hand on her waist firmly. "Our friendship is going to continue being strong for years to come."

Kelly smiled. "I love you, Mina."

"I love you too. Now, let's get ready," she said, picking up the girl and making their way to their bedroom. Squeals and giggles filled the house.


"The author of Pull Me Up When I Fall Down! Mina Saimeya!"

She smiled. "Nice to meet all of you."

"So rumor has it that the book is based on your life?"

Mina laughed. "That's half true. I did meet my crush like that. But it didn't turn out happy because he was in love with his best friend. So I-"

She paused. "I began dreaming of what could have happened. And that's how the book was written."

The lady cast a sympathetic look in her direction.

"I see...Well, are you happy now?"

"Of course," beamed Mina. "My book is being read by many people and I have a lovely girlfriend. I couldn't be happier."



Just a small epilogue and explanation for all the confused ones. People were really confused over Mina thus I wrote this. The book is officially over.

Thank you for sticking with me until now. I love each and every one of you<333



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