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Samuel / Ren / Carl / Ria / Sakshi

He messed up. He messed up big time. Even after she left he stood there frozen in place.

It was only after he felt a hand on his shoulder did he snap out of his stupor.


He buried his face in his hands.

"I messed up so bad, Ren. Did you see her? She looked so betrayed. What have I done?" he cried.

Ren led his friend back to his car, pushing him into the seat and climbed into the driver's seat himself.

"Come on, Sam. We'll figure this out. Don't worry."

They reached Ren's house soon enough, considering Samuel's house was out of the question. They made their way to the basement, one slower than the other. As soon as they opened the door, Ria pounced on them.

"Diana!" she cried, hoping to see the familiar chubby girl, only to be met with two grim looking boys. "Where's Diana?"

Samuel threw himself into the couch, trying not to be weak.

"She hates me," he whispered, his own voice sounding pitiful to him.

"I'm sure she doesn't," consoled Carl. "Maybe she was just stressed."

"Did you tell her what happened?" asked Ria, sitting on the floor in front of him.

He shook his head. "I didn't even get to apologize. She was so angry, so hurt. She had the biggest look of betrayal on her face. She was practically on the verge of tears."

The three of them sighed. Ren, standing in the corner of the room, made up his mind and slipped out of the room. He knew Samuel would definitely hate him for interfering, but at this point, he had no choice.

He hopped into his car and called a girl, who immediately answered.


"Hey, is this Sakshi?"

"Yeah, who's asking?"

"I'm Samuel's friend, Ren."

"Don't mention that idiot's name," she growled. "He made her cry!"

"And he's really sorry. Please. I just need to explain everything and it'll be fine."

"And why not him?"

"Because he's sitting on the couch crying about how Diana hates him."



"Fine, what do you want?"

"You guys live in the same apartment right?"

"Yeah. Wait in front of Starnight Complex. She comes back from lessons at around 6. You can meet her there."


"Just fix this, okay? She deserves the world."

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