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She couldn't help but take an involuntary step back.

"What are you doing here?" she asked softly.

He stared at her. "I came to talk to you."

She looked up, finally looking at him. Her eyes widened at his attire. 

"That uniform.......Westlight High?" she whispered.

He nodded.

"An elite, huh?" 


"Why are you here?" she cut in.

"I told you. To talk to you."

"Now? After all this time?" It came out harsher than she expected.

"I thought it would be better-"

"To see me? Face to face?"

He nodded wordlessly. This was not a side of Diana he had seen before.

"Wow, what an ingenious idea, Samuel," she said, her words dripping with sarcasm. She herself knew, she had never been this bold. "You thought you could just show up. After three and a half weeks. And act like nothing happened, huh?"

He didn't speak, staring at her shocked.

"You could've done anything. A text. Saying that it was a mistake. A small voice message." her volume rising with each sentence. "I'm that simple! As long as you reach out, I'll at least know that you feel sorry, no matter how small the gesture is! What did you do? You sent me absolutely no indication for this entire month."

Guilt and fear began to prick his heart.

"Where were you? When I was cracking under the pressure? When I was crying myself to sleep because the stress finally got to me? When I was working myself to the bone? When my parents were killing me with their words. Where the hell were you?!" she spat.

"I trusted you. I thought I could turn to you when it was too much. Was that meeting nothing to you? Was I just another girl who you had managed to wrap around your finger? Huh?"

"You had a chance, you messed up big time."

"Diana, please-"

"Don't," she said, her tone dripping with hate. "Don't act like you fucking care!"

He flinched upon hearing the swear word.

She took another step back, breathing in. "This is the first time I've exploded. Knowing me, I'll be willing to forgive you tomorrow," she said, her voice hollow. "I'm giving you another chance, just like everyone else. Don't fuck it up."


She turned around, walking towards the boy that appeared.

"Please," she whispered. "Can you walk me back home?"

He took one look at her face and immediately nodded, despite her house being in the opposite direction of his. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, steering her in the direction of her house, not even sparing a glance at the stunned boy.

"Thanks, Jax."

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