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The woman stood in front of them, hands clutching a shopping bag and mouth ajar in shock.

Diana froze, fear gripping her. She didn't know when she would've told her mother but she surely hadn't planned o letting it slip this fast. Skashi next to her cursed in her mind.

"Hi, Diana's mom." she greeted.

The woman didn't answer her. "What did you mean by 'boyfriend'?"

Diana tried to speak but it was as if the words refused to come out. She felt so torn, her heart pounding in utter fear. Sakshi nudged her friend harshly. Diana winced.

"Uh...hey, mom," she whispered.

"Diana. Boyfriend?" she spat, her tone sharp. A shudder ran Diana's spine.

"Mom, I can explain-"

"Then do it. What is this nonsensical joke?"

Sakshi was getting more irritated as the seconds passed.

"Um..." Diana's brain was practically going into overdrive. 

"Diana," she said, forcefully. 

Sakshi clicked her tongue. "Okay, Aunty. Yes, she has a boyfriend. A lovely one that too. One that treats her like a princess, spoiling her with love, not presents." she said, glaring at the woman.

Diana's mother gasped, anger in her veins. "What is this nonsense! Having a boyfriend at such a young age." she cried.

Diana felt her cheeks burn, tears spilling from her eyes. "Mom, thirteen-year-olds have boyfriends nowadays. I'm sixteen. I don't think that it's that bad."

The lady refused to accept. "You don't even know what love is."

Diana was growing tired of her mother's stupid remarks. "I doubt you're one to tell me that," she said.

"This utter bullshit." she seethed.

Sakshi unable to bear more of the woman's careless words burst. "You're speaking utter bullshit!" she yelled. "Who are you to tell her not to be with someone who makes her happy?"

Shreya gaped at the girl who had yelled at her. "How dare you-"

"Yeah, I yelled at you. I only speak with respect to those who respect me and the people around me. I know you hate me, but this is not the time."

"Mom, please. You don't even know half-no, you don't know the story at all." said the girl, finally.

"Diana, call him," said Sakshi. "I think both of you should do this together."

Diana didn't hesitate to pull out her phone. 

"Hey, darling-"

"Sam." she cried, clutching the phone.

"Darling?! What's wrong?"

"C-Can you please come?"

"A-Are you okay? Did something happen?"

"Please, Sam." she cried.

"I'll be there," he said quickly. The line went flat and the three women stood there, not talking.

Diana couldn't stop the tears. Sakshi rubbed her back comfortingly. "It's alright, Di. Things will be okay."

Not even a minute later, a car skid to a stop on the sidewalk. Samuel jumped out, running towards the girl.

Diana couldn't help but cry harder, unable to form words. He engulfed her in a tight hug, stroking her hair.

"What's wrong, darling?" he asked softly.

"So you're her boyfriend?"

Samuel's eyebrows furrowed as he turned to the woman. "I am," he said, firmly, still comforting the weeping girl. "Why?"

"Break up with her. Now." said Shreya, making all three kids gasp.

"Why would I do that?" he asked shocked. "I am in love with this girl and only got to call her mine today. Why would I give that up?"

Diana sniffled. "Mom, please-"

"No, I will not allow this. You are too young and-"

"Says who? There are thirteen-year-olds having boyfriends and girlfriends and their parents aren't saying anything, ma'am. I don't think it matters if you think if it's too soon. She's sixteen. She can definitely make her own decisions and she doesn't need to go according to every wish of yours." he said angrily.


"Forcing her to become what she doesn't want to be. Saying you support everything but narrowing her choices for her. Comparing her and bringing down her self-esteem. You say that you care, and she believes it but doubts it most times because she doesn't know what care is anymore. You scold her and then apologize, it's happened so many times she lost the will to hold grudges and has become too forgiving. The next time she's hurt by someone else, she'll forgive them, she'll be treated as a pushover and she'll never be taken seriously. Do you understand the weight of your actions?" he said.

Shreya gaped at him before turning to her daughter. "What is all of this? You're telling him all of this? What have we said about confiding in third parties?"

"It's all because she never felt you guys would understand. She knows you would act as if you would and then twist it back into your views so now she doesn't even try, confiding in her friends and me with only sympathy and no real cure."

Diana sighed. "Forget it, Mom," she said softly.

"How can I just-"

"Mom," she said hardly. "Honestly you weren't supposed to find out about all of this till I was comfortable with telling you."

"How can you not be comfortable with telling your parents-"

"Because of this. Look at how you're reacting. I knew this would happen and honestly, I didn't want it to ruin the euphoria I was feeling."

"Let's go," she muttered, dragging her boyfriend and best friend away. They made their way to the park. Sakshi hugged the girl tightly before giving them their privacy.

"Darling, I'm sorry. I didn't-"

She kissed him softly. "I know. But it's okay. Maybe she'll rethink her decisions and maybe things will change."

"If it doesn't?"

"Do you have extra space at your house?" she asked, smirking.

He smirked back, pulling her close and kissing her again. "Of course."


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