
157 20 1

Diana / Samuel


"The cast did great!"


"I enjoyed it a lot. I liked the part where the mom kept snapping at everyone. It was really funny."

"Nice. That's good."

"So are you gonna tell me who was you?"


"Aww. You're such a tease."

"What about you? How are your gigs going?"

"Really good, in fact. Sold out for three shows in a row."

"I guess that confirms the fact that you're really good."

"I guess."

"So what have you been up to lately?"

"Nothing much, what about you?"

"Studying, I have tests coming up."

"Aww, you poor baby. Are you good at it? Studying?"

"Of course not. I barely avoid flunking."


"Yeah. So don't trust me in getting good grades. That's half the reason why I'm always scolded by my parents. But I guess it's my fault."

"Chin up darling. You'll find something you're good at."

"Thanks, Sam. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay. Bye Ana."


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