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The cold wind stung her face but she smiled. She'd always preferred the cold compared to the heat, so she wasn't really bothered.

She rubbed her hands to generate some heat before stuffing them into her pocket.

"Are you ready to go?"

She smiled before nodding. She followed the older out of the shop, towards the mall, maintaining a light conversation.

"I still can't believe they let us go alone. I thought we'd only be able to do that once we got into college." laughed Riley.

Diana laughed in agreement. It had taken a lot of convincing for her mom to let her go but finally, she agreed.

The two girls had focused on fixing their relationship and both were thrilled. They had finally opened up to each other and now were as close as ever.

"So, when are you meeting him?"

Diana smiled. "In ten minutes," she said, biting her lip nervously.

Riley laughed at her best friend and how nervous she was.

"What about you, Ri? Aren't you going to be bored?"

The other reason why they insisted on going alone was that along with hanging out, Diana was also meeting up with someone.

Riley grinned. "Don't worry, I called someone, we'll hang out till you're done with lover boy," she said, wriggling her eyebrows.

Of course, Riley and Sakshi had met and they joined forces to tease Diana.

"Oh shut up." the girl said. "I have to meet him in front of GAP. I'll see you later."

She speed walked to their meet up place. Once she was in front of the store she looked around for a familiar boy.

"Darling!" he greeted.

She smiled. "Hey Sam," she said bashfully.

They walked side by side, fingers occasionally brushing causing them to blush.

They went to Starbucks and grabbed drinks for themselves before walking around, simply talking about everything and nothing.

They stopped in front of a display that caught Diana's attention. She marveled at the beautiful charms while the boy next to her admired her, wondering how he got so lucky.

After a few minutes, they continued occasionally stopping at something that caught their eyes. They watched a video that played on a screen. They stopped to coo at the adorable puppies at the pet shop.

Since they had finished their drinks, they waited for a while before getting some ice cream. 

"Ready?" he asked her.

She nodded eagerly, bouncing on her heels in excitement. He chuckled at her actions before accompanying her.

A special show was happening at the mall so they were excited to see it. Diana could see Riley and Sakshi in the crowd, making her smile. She was glad Riley wasn't alone.

Their eyes were glued to the stage, cheering as people went on, performing songs and dances.

The two shifted closer because of the crowd. Diana froze when their fingers brushed again. Her ears began to burn as she felt him interlock pinkies.

Her heart hammered in her chest, blood rushing to her face. She stared at the stage but couldn't focus on anything but their hands. From pinkies, she felt him let go and intertwine their fingers, grasping her hand tightly in his.

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