Chapter 4. Rough Night Love?

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Nicole's POV

When I wake up I have an awful headache, I'm trying to recall the party but I can't. I don't even know how I'd gotten into my room.

I move the blanket's off of me, and stand up slowly I'm in nothing but the bra and underwear I'd worn last night I look down to find my jeans and jacket on the floor. I head over to my closet and grab out a plain t-shirt and jeans.

The kitchen is empty so I'm guessing Billy's still in bed, I start a pot of coffee and yawn tiredly. There's a loud knock on the front door which makes me press my hand to my head.

I head toward's the living room to get the front door, I throw the door open and step back in shock it's that guy...

Andrew isn't it?

He smirks at me. "Rough night love?" He asks sarcastically.

I gasp. "W-what are you doing h-here?" I ask taking another step back.

He walks into the house toward's me but I step back so he steps in front of me quicker and pulls something from his pocket. 

"You left your wallet at Brandon's house thought you might want it." He says.

"How'd you know where I lived?" I ask.

He snorts. "You don't drink often I'm guessing?" He says and rolls his eyes, I take my wallet from him. "I drove you home last night and well I'm not real sure what he is, boyfriend?" He asks.

"Billy's my best friend, he's gay not my boyfriend." I mutter. "Wait you drove me home?" I squeak. "Is my car alive?" I whisper.

"Really?" He chuckles. "Your car is in the same condition as you left it in, managed to even not get puke on anything."

"I puked?" I ask.

"Yeah pretty sure you didn't get any on you maybe your shoes, but you did get it on the sleeve of my expensive leather jacket so I wanna thank you for that too." He smirks.

"Oh my god." I mumble turning around in embarrassment.

"Headache?" He asks. 

I stop mid stride to look back at him in confusion. "Sorta." 

"Eat some bread, soaks up the rest of the alcohol." He says.

"Drink a lot?" I ask arching an eyebrow.

He shrugs.

"Wait, did you take me upstairs?" I ask him.

"Yeah I had to carry you up them Billy was to drunk to deal with you himself and you passed out after you pukes so I had to carry you back to the car into the house. You are such a light weight." He chuckles.

"You are such an asshole." I roll my eyes.

Just as I start walking away from him I remember something else and spin back around. "Did you take my pants off?" I ask him.

"Mhm." He hums his smirk growing wider.

I gasp, I walk towards him and outstretch my hand just as my hand snaps forward to slap him across the face he catches it and pulls me into him.

"Don't be like that honey, I can change a carburetor in the dark in any  vehicle without looking. So I think that I can get your pants off without looking, it was dark I didn't see anything." He says.

I try to ignore the fact that my chest is pushed up against him, there's no space left between us. His eyes stare into mine for a long moment adrenaline pumps through me from being so close to him.

It makes me wonder if he knows the effect he has on me, though I imagine he has this effect on a lot of girls. My breathing becomes quicker my chest rising and falling against his. I see a flicker of emotion in his eyes that always appear to be frozen hard as ice but just as they begin to melt he quickly looks away, when he looks back to me the angry guy I know is back.

"I have to go." He says dropping my hand, he spins around and walks out of my front door slamming it shut behind him.

I go over and look out the window, he's on a Harley Davidson motorcycle kicking it to life easily and pulls away.

I hear footsteps behind me I look back and Billy is slowly making his way down the stairs holding his head. 

"Damn I ain't never partying with your crazy ass again." He says looking up at me, he takes me in for a moment and tilt's his head. "Someone here?" He asks confused.

"Andrew was here." I whisper. "Brought me my wallet back."

Usually I spill everything to Billy but when it comes to Andrew it feels to personal to tell Billy, and Billy would think I'm totally insane which he'd probably be right. We head into the kitchen Billy sit's down I open a loaf of bread handing a piece to Billy.

He raises his eyebrows at me. "Soaks up the alcohol." I shrug.

He starts eating it quickly we eat a few pieces of plain bread and then I pour a cup of coffee for both of us.

"Andrew might not be half as bad as I thought." Billy admits.

I turn around and look at him in shock, is he crazy?

"W-what?" I ask in disbelief.

Billy shrugs. "Well he did take good care of you last night, I was way to fucked up to take care of you myself." He admits. "He carried you back to the car after you puked, parked your car in the garage hung the keys up and carried you in the house upstairs put you to bed." Billy says.

"And took my pants off." I snort quietly.

"What?" Billy asks.

"Nothing just drink your coffee." I mutter.

"What we doing today?" Billy asks.

"I don't know, we could watch movies I don't really want to go out again." I mutter.

Billy shrugs but nods in agreement. 

We head into the living room and I start scanning the movies on the shelf, I pick my favorite which Billy hates and put it in.

I skip back to the couch and plop down on it. The opening credit's start and Billy groans in irritation. "Come on Nikki not Cry baby this movie is so stupid." Billy grunts.

"Johnny Depp is hot though." I grumble.

"Well yes he is but this movie is fucking ridiculous." Bill says in irritation.

"I want to watch it now shut up." I say smacking him with a pillow.

Suddenly there is a knock on the front door, I groan and mutter as I get up to get the door. I throw the door open and Heather is standing there smiling brightly at me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her confused she skips past me into the house. 

"Get dressed we're going out!" She says clapping her hands excitedly.

"What?! Noway!" I shout shaking my head in disbelief.

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