CHAPTER 1: I Said NO!!

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Today was a big day for me since I was going to be told by my parents that I was going to take my brother's place as the new Alpha of his pack, 'Silver Fangs'.

It has always been my goal and dream to become the Alpha. However, of course my brother got it because he was the oldest and had already done his training and proved himself to become one.

I then took the rank of Beta but not because I was his younger brother. See, it doesn't matter if you're a friend or family, you aren't just handed the ranking of packs. Besides, this all works out since everyone always liked me more anyways.

Even though my brother and I were never really close nor got along, I still feel a little sadness that he was killed but in all reality, he was a dick.

My brother was two years older than me and I recently turned twenty years old and am more than stoked to be an Alpha.

As soon as I headed over towards the house and met my parents at their mansion to meet up with them, everything became even more real that this was the moment I have waited for my whole life.

"Hey Levi." I greeted our family butler who also is a wolf.

"Hello Beta." He greets me.

"You mean Alpha?" I look at him with a cocked eyebrow.

"Sorry." He says.

"Don't worry about it." I tease him.

That's something I have always liked about our maids and butlers, especially him because we have always been like family to each other.

"Your parents are waiting for you already in the study." He says.

"Thanks." I tell him before walking towards the hallway down to the office.

When I walk in, I notice both of my parents are sitting in some arm cushioned chairs along with a couple who look to be the same age as my parents.

"Hi sweetie." My mom smiles at me.

"Hey. What's going on?" I ask hesitating.

"Come in son." My father says.

I cautiously walk towards them and decide to lean against the beam in the middle of the room.

"So what's going on?" I ask them while I'm looking at the strangers who are still looking at me.

"Aston, these are the parents of Celeste lumberton. She was your brother's mate." My mother introduces them.

"Oh." I reply not knowing really what to say because I feel awkward.

"Yeah, well, we have discussed some things and even with the Moon Goddess who suggested we have Celeste stay here and be your mate." My mom mumbles towards the end.

"What?" I asked her.

She looks at me now with sympathy in her eyes.

"She's your mate and will be announced as the new Luna of this..." I stop her right there.

"Oh no. I'm not having a mate. Especially one that was my brother's." I protest.

"But Aston you need a Luna." My mom tells me.

"No I don't. I mean, yeah, I will find one one day but it'll be with my REAL mate. Not someone forced upon me. That's not how it works and the Moon Goddess knows that." I tell them.

"Son, if you wish to have the title 'Alpha', you need to do this. Besides, she's a very sweet and beautiful person." My dad says.

"Yeah who is mourning most likely. She probably is an emotional wreck and then to have her be forced into a relationship with her deceased mate's brother. Do you all have any idea in how much of an issue this will be?" I asked.

"The council has already approved of it." My mom says.

"Excuse me, Beta Aston. Our daughter is very sweet and she will make a great Luna and mate. She will do whatever you want her to do and I know you'll have good use of her." Celeste's mom says.

Damn, they talk about her as if she's a product they're trying to sell.

"I don't care! I'm NOT doing it and that's that! I have earned my right to become an Alpha and you as well as the Council know I have." I exclaim.

"Yes but..." My mom says but my dad thankfully stops her.

"Mr. Lumberton, Mrs. Lumberton, we will give you both a call tonight with a definite answer. We're just gonna have a little talk with our son." My father tells them.

He can talk his lips off at me trying to convince me but it isn't going to happen and I am NOT going to give in to what is rightfully mine and that's FINAL!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
As in a few minutes. It does get better. :);) Hope you all like it. :)

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