CHAPTER 5: I'm Sorry I'm Not Malachai

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I know it's wrong to treat her like this but I have to in order for her to reject me. She couldn't possibly want me especially being with my brother.

I never could compete with him. Always tried but never came close.

After pulling up to the store, we get out and head inside.

The owner of the place who was middle aged and has been dressing my mom for ten years, approaches us

"Well look at you all grown up." Geneva greets us. "What brings you here? How's your mom?" She asks me.

"She's good. In fact she has sent one of her...friends' daughter who'll be staying with us for a while." I tell her as I introduce Celeste. "This is Celeste. She needs a new wardrobe." I tell her.

"Of course." She smiles and looks at Celeste. "Hi. I'm Geneva. I'm the owner of this store and don't worry, we'll take care of ya." She winks at her.

I notice Celeste smiling at her and then she takes Celeste's hand and starts to take her around the place.

I pull out my phone and see I have a lot of missed messages. Some from my booty calls and the rest from my Beta.

"Hey there sexy. It's been a while." I hear a familiar female voice.

"Hey Thea." I reply while looking up from my phone.

Thea's your typical dramatic spoiled bitch that loves trying to sleep her way to the top of packs that I haven't slept with in months since I last heard she had found her mate and also happens to be Geneva's daughter.

"So since my mom is busy with a customer..." She starts saying while leaning closer to me and sliding her hand up and down my chest while nibbling on my neck a little bit, making me hard. "Why don't we have some fun like old times." She coos in my ear as her hand slides down to the bulge in my pants and I start kissing her deeply and with so much lust.

However, I stop immediately after I hear Celeste crying in pain. So I quickly push Thea off and make my way to the back.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

Geneva is helping Celeste up and holding her.

"I don't think she's feeling too well. So why don't you take her home and I'll send over some things." She says. "I know her size and what she likes." She smiles at me.

"Okay." I reply feeling a little worried.

We start walking out with Celeste holding her stomach and after getting in the car, we make our way back to the house.

She right away goes upstairs to her room as she looks like she's going to throw up.

Did I cause her that pain? I thought she only gets that pain if I sleep with a girl?

This all is a huge mess. I can't handle all of this. I'm not built for this kind of stuff. I'm not a romantic sensitive guy. My dad is but he never passed that down to me. So then why do I feel a little bad? Ugh, I need to stop thinking about it.

When I sit down in the living room and turn on the TV, I hear the front door open up and in walks my parents, laughing.

"Hey guys." I greet them.

"Hi sweetie." My mom smiles. "How did the shopping go?" She asks me.

"Okay." I shrugged while not looking at them. "She got sick though and we just back not too long ago."

"Aww." My parents say in unison.

"I'll go and check on her." My mom says as she kisses my dad on the lips real quick before heading upstairs.

"So..." My dad starts.

"Not right now dad." I tell him.

"What is with you? You're acting like a child." He snaps at me.

"Maybe if you and mom hadn't planned MY future without asking me first, then maybe I would be a little happier." I reply.

"Please. You're just upset because we're making you grow up finally. Why can't you be like more like your brother?!" He mumbles the last part.

"Oh that's why you guys did this. Because I'm nothing like my brother?! You both always favored him over me!" I snapped as I stood up and walked over to him.

"Not this again." My dad says.

"Yes, THIS again. Just admit that you both think I'm a mistake! That I will never be good enough for either one of you and will always be the fuck up child." I tell him.

"That isn't true and you know it." My dad seethes through clenched teeth.

"Well maybe if you both stopped focusing on praising him and stroking his ego you would have seen that he was an asshole and also did whatever you all said which does NOT make a good leader, let alone an Alpha!" I fire at him and then walk off past him and before walking out the door, I look back and tell him one more thing. "Then maybe also you and mom would have been not just proud but have given me more attention. Sorry I can't be Malachai." I say and then slam the front door behind me.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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