CHAPTER 21: You're NOT Malachai!!

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I have now been back before a couple of days now and there's no sign of my father or my brother.

I don't want to think of the worst but it's hard considering what he had last told me in our last 'heat of the moment' argument if you will.

Then Celeste comes and comforts me by telling me what they talked about the next morning after I had stormed out.

"But then where is he? Do you think maybe..." I began talking to her and Bruce then my Delta came in along with a few other members, trying to catch their breaths and all sweaty.

"Alpha. Luna." They bowed a little as they looked at us.

"What is it?" I asked with urgency.

"Your father. He's being help captive by your brother." He exclaims.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"He left before cause he tried to reason with him and had tried to put a stop him so that he could help you out but, Alpha, your brother is not like he was before. He's a lot bigger and stronger as well as his pack. They aren't rogues and they aren't hybrid's but I think they got a hold of something to make them unbelievably stronger than any other." The Delta says while finally catching his breath.

"How did you hear of this?" I asked.

"Your father mind linked us all. He tried to with you but you had cut yours off and...well, yeah." He finishes.

Oh my god, did I just get my father in the way of being killed? I knew my brother was crazy but why is he doing this?

"Alright then. Get everyone here and notify all the others and tell them there's gonna be a fight tonight. Celeste and I will go to the Council and speak with them." I inform him.

"Yes Alpha. Luna." They bow and leave.

"Are we really gonna do this?" I hear Bruce ask.

"We have to stop him. We're gonna speak with the council but I need for you to make sure everyone makes it the hillside where the moon will be the brightest. That's where I will have my brother meet me at." I tell him.

"What if the council says no?" He asks worried more than I ever have seen him.

"Then it will still happen. Cause we all know this is the only way." I tell him.

We all three stand there in my fathers chambers, sharing an awkward moment of silence when I hear him finally say something.

"Alpha Aston. I don't wanna upset you or make you think I'm against your decisions but, if you do this. If you kill your brother. Who will it really be for and what will it resolve? I know you've said it's the only way to stop him and your father agrees as well but, the truth is, I fear that if you do this, you'll be no better than him." He says and then turns and leaves.

That just irritated me and pissed me off what he just said. Though on the other hand, in a way, he's right. But then I'm doing this to protect our kind and especially Celeste. He has to pay for what he has done.

I look at Celeste who has just stayed quiet the entire time, listening like she normally does and I had to know her thoughts. Especially since right now I can tell something is bothering her.

"Celeste?" I ask her trying to get her attention.

"Hmm?" She replies without looking at me or coming over towards me.

She stands there still looking down at the floor with her arms around herself and looks bothered and worried.

"What are your thoughts?" I ask.

"I hate to say it but, he has a point. I mean, don't get me wrong your decision isn't necessarily the wrong one but, the way he just put everything in perspective I just, I don't know, I guess he's right." She says.

"But I would be doing this for everyone including YOU!" I say kind of a little irritated.

"Don't snap at me. I want him gone for good also but, if you do against the council, because we both know they'll say no, how sill you be any different than a rogue? Than him? He kills for sport. For the fun of it. That's how sick he is. He does it for revenge and out of anger. Sometimes there's a time and place for all that but, we should at least try and do it the right way." She tells me.

I think about it for a minute and now even my wolf is agreeing with them both and I begin to calm my nerves a little more.

"Fine." I agree. "We'll try and do this the appropriate way." I assure her with a smile while I walk up closer to her and she puts her arms around me as I do her and we press our foreheads together and look into each other's eyes.

"Thank you. I just don't want to lose you." She tells me.

"I know baby. I'm sorry. I don't want to lose you either." I tell her.

"Plus together we are both unstoppable and are pretty bad ass if you ask me." She smiles and makes me laugh a little.

"Yeah, we are." I tell her.

We then give each other a kiss and then start heading out towards the council still to tell them what we plan to do and to see if they can help us as well try and capture him.

I just hope this all ends well because my gut is telling me something else.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
Hope you all enjoy the several chapters I have posted today! :) Also, I decided that since these three are being wrapped up soon, I will start posting more for the other three and then give you a few more sneek peeks. ;);)

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