CHAPTER 8: Nightmares

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"WHAT THE FUCK DID I TELL YOU ABOUT EMBARRASSING ME IN FRONT OF MY FRIENDS?!" He yells at me again as I hold the side of my face where he just slapped me hard at, knocking me onto the floor.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think I was. I was just telling those girls that you and I were mates!" I cried out to him.

"See?! This is why even your parents don't want you! You're worthless! A pathetic fat ugly slut that I was stupid enough to take pity on!" He exclaims before storming out the door.

That moment was when I woke up in cold sweat trying to catch my breath and began to cry a little bit until I was able to fall back to sleep again.

I have had many of those nightmares the night after he died and have had nightmares almost every night since then. It's been a while since he died but, he still haunts my dreams.

When I woke up the next morning, everyone seemed to be gone....or so I thought. When I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast, I heard a female laugh and then noticed Aston sitting and talking with her.

His smile quickly went away when he saw me and looked at me as though he was sad?

I shake it off and ignore them both before taking a look in the fridge and deciding what I wanted.

"Thanks for the advice." I heard the girl call out to him before he closed the door behind her and then started walking towards the kitchen.

I just turned on the stove, broke some egg shells and started scrambling them while preparing to make some bacon as well.

"Smells good." He smiles as he bends over on his elbows over the counter at the skillet.

"Hopefully it tastes good." I try and make a joke. To which he laughs at.

Why am I even making conversation with him? He doesn't care about me or getting to truly know me.

"So sorry about that. My friend Allie doesn't care how early or late it is to barge into this house." He says.

His 'friend'? Seriously, can't think of anything else to call her?

"Well you seemed to make her laugh." I mutter under my breath.

"She needed some cheering up. Her and her mate got in a big fight last night and since her and I have been great friends since we were in grade school, she just needed to talk." He explains.

So wait, are they really JUST friends?

"Yay!!" My wolf says in excitement.

We both are quiet for the rest of the time I'm cooking and when I'm finished, I make both him and I a plate. Which to be honest, I don't remember making this much.

"Here." I say while handing him a plate.

"Really? Thanks." He smiles at me.

I'm not sure if rather or not I'm dreaming or if this is part of the whole act.

We both sit down at the table and eat in mostly silence before I hear him set down his fork.

"That's was really good. Thanks." He smiles.

"You're welcome." I reply as I take the last few bites.

He next gets up and takes my plate and empty glass that was filled with orange juice and places them into the sink.

"You sure can cook." He says.

"Thank you." I reply.

"No, thank you." He smirks.

I notice him pulling out his phone after feeling it vibrate and go off in his PJ bottoms pocket and starts texting back someone.

"Well, I'm gonna head back upstairs." I say.

"Wait!" He says.

I turn and look at him before going up the stairs.

"Yeah?" I ask him.

"You and I need to go over a few things before this party in a few days." He mentions.

"Party?" I ask.

"Yes. My parents are celebrating their 50th year Anniversary and are having a big party for it." He says.

"So then what do we need to go over?" I ask.

"Well for starters, what you are going to wear seeing as to how we need to match." He begins.

"Oh?" I reply.

"Not only that but there are a few rules we need to talk about as well that involves a certain person who would love nothing more than to see me fail but who would also love to take you away." He says.

"But I would never do anything, so what does that matter?" I start to ask in return as I find myself walking a little closer towards him.

"Because we have an image to uphold. We have to act and look legit and he will only make things worse." He states.

"Well I will try and steer clear from him. Don't worry, I won't embarrass you or your parents. You won't be let down." I assure him.

"It's not that..." He began but then stopped himself from saying anything further.

"What is it then?" I asked confused.

"Just promise me you will stay away from him." He says but with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

He waits a moment to try and calm himself down before he snaps his head back at me and replies.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just....I need to get ready to meet up with the pack. We'll talk about this later." He says and then makes his way past me and up to his room to get dressed.

What the hell just happened and why was he telling me what to NOT do?! Well, this party coming up should be a lot of fun. (Note the sarcasm).

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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