CHAPTER 19: I Knock

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When I woke up the next morning feeling upset all over again as flashbacks from what happened yesterday and what all was said by everyone. 

I still don't feel I was in the wrong but yet as I look down at my mate in my arms still asleep, suddenly I begin to feel sad and I'm not sure in why.

I hear a light knock on the door and I get up slowly while carefully getting out of bed so that Celeste doesn't wake up.

As soon as I open the door up, I see it's Bruce. He looks a little sad?

"Alpha, you need to come downstairs." He says.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Just come downstairs and bring Celeste too." He says before he turns and walks downstairs.

As soon as I turn around I notice Celeste rubbing her eyes waking herself up more and sits up in bed looking at me.

"What's going on?" She yawns.

"I don't know. That was Bruce though and he looked upset and asked us to meet him downstairs." I tell her.

We look at each other for a moment and then get ready and head downstairs hand-in-hand. The moment we got to the living room, we noticed my mother laying on the couch injured.

I right away rush to her side and take her hand and look at her.

"Mom?! What happened?" I ask in horror as I see her lying on her back with her whole front side covered in blood.

"Son. I'm sorry." She struggles to say.

"What happened to you?" I ask while I try and fight back tears.

"Listen to me." She says before coughing. "I'm sorry about what happened with your father and brother. I am truly sorry and I hope that you can forgive your father." She says.

"Okay mom. But you've got to hold on." I cry a little bit.

"Shh sweetie." She begins as she raises a hand and gently places it on the side of my face while looking into my eyes. "I love you sweetie, your father and I always loved you and I'm so sorry." She says.

"It's okay mom, I'm sorry." I tell her.

"Take care of your mate. No matter what it takes, just be good to one another and stop your brother." She says as she breathes her last breath.

Then that was it. My mother closed her eyes and died. Right there in front of me.

"I love you mom." I begin crying.

"It's okay man." I feel Bruce try and pull me up.

Then I hear my father's voice and I immediately become enraged and stand up and try to go after him.

"YOU fucking did this!" I shouted at him.

"Son, please. It wasn't my fault. She met up with your brother..." He started but I stopped him.

"It was YOUR fault he is out and was able to hurt anyone, ESPECIALLY mom!" I shouted at him.

"Alpha...." I overhear Bruce.

"Back the hell off of me!" I snap at him and turn to see everyone looking at me with tears and looking sad along with horror while I stand there scowling at everyone.

Without thinking or waiting to see who touched my shoulder, the werewolf in me came out partially and my anger got the best of me and I quickly swung my arm around and pushed the person harshly from me and then once I saw it was Celeste, my heart dropped and my werewolf began to whimper.

"Ah!" She cried out loudly as soon as her back hit the wall hard.

"Baby I'm sorry." I quickly soften up and notice she's grabbing her face. Fuck, did I hurt her? Oh my god. I'm no better than my brother.

"Alpha..." Bruce comes up behind me and tries to talk to me but I can't even look at anyone I'm so embarrassed and ashamed. So I do the only thing I can think of......I run out and don't return until a couple days later.

I was hesitant for walking inside, afraid if I would even be let back in. I just left a couple of days ago but I know how I acted was really bad. In particular to Celeste.

When I walked inside, it seemed like everybody was still asleep. Then I realized I wasn't the only one up as Bruce came up to me and we talked everything out with each other and he mentioned that my dad had left. So I was gonna make sure when he came back that we would talk.

I noticed that my mother's body was removed and everything was cleaned up.

"You know what you need to do right now, right?" He says.

"Yeah." I tell him while looking up at our bedroom door.

"She's been upset that you left." He tells me.

I just nod and then start making my way up to our bedroom and instead of walking inside like I normally would, I knock instead. I don't even have the right to assume she'll forgive me or allow me to call it 'our' bedroom anymore.

So I knock.....

Next chapter will be posted soon and also, I apologize but the fighting scene for Alpha's Heart story will be posted tomorrow instead of tonight. Along with some sneek peeks for a few more new stories that'll be posted either by the end of this week or early next week. :):)

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