CHAPTER 4: Getting A New Wardrobe

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Well, here goes nothing. I think to myself as I take in a deep breath and let it out before making my way towards my new home.

I wanted to turn back around and have the cab take me somewhere else but the cab was already gone. So I sucked it up and knocked on the door.

I was greeted by a somewhat older gentleman who right away greeted me with a warm genuine smile and introduced himself as the butler.

The moment I stepped inside the house, I began smelling my mate's scent that reminded me of maple and vanilla.

The butler was about to show me upstairs to my room until my I met another gentleman who had come out from a room down the hallway in front of me and stopped a few feet away.

"Hello. You must be Celeste." The man said.

"Yes." I answer.

"I'm sorry, we never got the chance to meet, I'm Aston's father." He introduces himself with a smile and while walking up to me I shake his hand and say 'hi' back to him.

"If you'd like to meet my son, he's down the hallway here in the room, second door on the right. My wife is in there also and I am on my way out actually." He tells me.

"Oh. Okay." I reply.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He smiles at me.

"You too." I reply.

He walks over to the butler and they start talking to each other while I set my bags down and started making my way towards the room he told me about.

That's when I heard my so called 'mate's' voice yelling, "I hate to break it to you and dad but I will NEVER and I mean NEVER love this woman. I am not ready for this and there is no reason that I need to have a mate, especially getting sloppy seconds from my asshole brother!"

Then the door opens and I look at him and a flood of flashbacks of when I was with his brother come rushing back.

I felt as though I was stabbed deep in the heart and then had it twisted before being ripped out of my chest.

I don't let him see the tears as they come falling down my face and instead turn to start walking away when I see his dad and just seeing me starting to cry, he seems mad. I just shake my head and have the butler show me to my room.

I lock the door afterwards and fall onto the bed and start crying really hard for the next couple of hours, asking out loud why this was happening to me? Why don't my parents want me? Why couldn't I have a mate that wanted me. Why be rejected by two?

It was late at night and I had woken up to a sharp pain. The same pain I felt whenever my ex mate was sleeping with another girl next door to my room.

What is the purpose of all this? Frustrated and upset, I headed out to the backyard to get some fresh air and just stood there, looking out into the woods. Thinking about running away. Would anyone really care?

What if I decided to stop becoming everyone's burden? There's no way to get out of this agreement. My parents already threatened and warned me that if I had ever messed this up for them again, I would be tortured until my last breath.


When I woke up the next morning, it seemed like I was the first one up and since I skipped dinner last night, I was starving.

It seemed like both his parents were gone, so I helped myself to pouring myself some cereal and took a seat at the table there.

I suddenly saw some red headed bimbo with her hair messed up doing what looks like the 'walk of shame' walking down the stairs and as she puts her heels on, she looks at me with disgust and then heads out the door.

Ew. I didn't even sleep with her and I feel like I need a shot.

Luckily, my phone goes off saying I got a text from my best friend, Orial.

We were texting back and forth for a bit while I was eating that I hadn't realized Aston had sat down in a chair a couple chairs down, looking at me while drinking some coffee.

It wasn't until I chuckled to myself about something funny she said when I hear a low growl.

That's when I jumped and was startled when I saw him glaring at me and looked as though he was beyond pissed off.

I then texted Orial back that I would talk to her later and tried finishing my cereal.

"You need to get dressed. We are leaving in half an hour to get you some outfits." He says in a demanding tone.

"But what's wrong with my clothes?" I ask.

"Hey, I could care less with what you wear. It was my mother's idea. So we need to hurry cause I have some Alpha things to do." He says.

I just nod as I take my last couple bites of  cereal and then put the bowl in the sink and  start heading upstairs to get ready.

I have to keep reminding myself what my parents have always told me about when I find my mate and he's an Alpha. Never talk back. Never talk really unless given permission, don't eat much cause it's rude and don't want to become a fat pig and most importantly, do whatever your mate tells you to do without questioning him.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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