CHAPTER 16: Who Is It?!

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When I woke up this morning, I couldn't help but smile as the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Aston peacefully sleeping and I began to lightly caress the side of his face.

I notice him then move his head a little bit while smiling before opening his eyes.

"Good morning." He smiles.

"Morning." I smile.

He leans in and kisses me.

"Mmmm.." He moans as he starts pulling me closer to him.

"Aston I'll be right back." I tell him.

"Uh-uh." He protests.

"Babe, I have to use the bathroom. I'll be right back." I giggle.

"Hurry back." He says as he closes his eyes again and as I stand up I try to cover myself up with one of the sheets and he quickly tugs at it. "No, I like you naked." He winks and smirks.

I hurry and go to the bathroom and when I finish and come back out, I see he's not in bed and then I hear his voice and turn to see him out on the balcony in our bedroom, talking on the phone.

I decide to give him some space and not to interrupt him by taking a shower.

As I start running the water, I step inside and let the water down my body and hair and then see Aston step inside and smile at me. I smile back at him and he doesn't say anything but instead walks closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist as I wrap mine around his neck, he then kisses me and we end up taking the sexiest shower ever.

Afterwards he cooked me breakfast and he then took me to a few places that no joke, took my breath away.

I know this might sound cheesy but I love that movie 'Letters To Juliet' and of course, as fate would have it, he has brought me there. Which is also when I told him about the movie.

This idea is a beautiful and romantic idea. It's a wall that has little cracks in it to where you can write to 'Juliet' about anything, in particular about someone you love.

I am so happy and this place is amazingly beautiful. In fact, the pictures don't do it any justice at all.

We ate at a restaurant not too far from the wall with the letters in it and continued walking around.

Something I had noticed was that it seemed like almost everywhere we went, people knew who he was as he did with them.

Now, I know that him and his family's reputation is well known everywhere but I feel like I'm with a celebrity and paparazzi is everywhere, well almost, cause they aren't really in our face but still. The recognition is astounding, in a good way of course.

As soon as we pulled up into the driveway and got out, we both began sniffing the air and could smell an unfamiliar scent and right away, Aston had turned to look at me real quick and pushed me behind him.

"Stay here." He says.

"No way, I'm going in with you." I whisper yell at him.

"No. Get in the car." He whisper yells back at me.

"Aston!" I snap back at him and then we hear a glass breaking and cautiously start to both approach the house and when we get to the door that's half opened already we slowly walk into the door.

Everything is dark but luckily as a werewolf we are able to see in the dark except we can't see anything or anyone.

Things have been knocked over and there is shattered glass along with other broken objects scattered all over the floor.

We next hear a disgruntled groan and quickly find a light to turn on and lying there on the floor in the living room was a bloodied and beaten up man on the ground holding onto his stomach in pain.

"Oh my god, Lenny!" I hear Aston say panicked before running to the man's side.

"Who is that?" I ask him.

"He's a family friend." He says.

He looks to maybe be a cousin or something. Since he seems to be around the same age as me and Aston in his early twenties.

"What happened?" Aston asks him worried.

"I heard you were in town, so I was gonna come and surprise you but, some people were already here and I couldn't stop them. I'm so sorry." He tells us between coughs.

"It's alright just, hang in there. We'll get some help." Aston starts to tell him.

"No." The guy stops him. "I'm not gonna make it man. Just get her out of here. They said they'd come back." He says.

Then before Aston has the chance to ask who was coming back, the guy dies and for the first time I see Aston break out and cry really hard.

"No, Lenny, please, don't go man. Come on." He cries out real hard.

I go to comfort him and put my arm around him as he continues to cry.

"It's okay. We're gonna find out who did this." I reassure him.

Shit, it seems we can't seem to catch a break.

"I swear that when I find them...." He says and then he stops himself as he begins sniffing the air again and then continues to sniff until he gets closer to his buddy on the floor and moves his friend's hand around his stomach as he rolls him over on his back and lifts up his shirt.

That's when we see that his stomach wasn't clawed or gutted or anything of that sort. Instead, we saw a symbol that I soon found out were the initials of someone we never thought we'd ever see again....

"What is it?" I ask him.

"There's only one person I know whose initials can make that symbol put together." He says.

"Who?!" I asked.

"My brother." He says with so much rage in his eyes.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
Didn't see that one coming. Uh-Oh!!

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