CHAPTER 7: The Dinner

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This is ridiculous. I had already made plans to go out tonight with someone and now I'm stuck here trying to impress some friends of my parents who also happen to be part of the council as well.

Great, a nice dinner where the beginning of this whole 'fake' relationship starts. I just hope Celeste doesn't mess this up.

My parents along with their friends were both already sitting at the table waiting for Celeste.

When she finally comes in, she notices all of us looking at her and she stops.

"Sorry. I had a little trouble with my zipper in the back." She says and then walks over to the seat beside me and gets situated.

"That's alright. No need to apologize." My mom assures her.

We all then begin eating and right away, my parents friends start in with the questions.

Their friends are of course around their age and are each other's mates. The husband is an Alpha and went to training with my dad when they were teens and met each other through my mom, Nina, since she knew the lady since she was a kid.

The woman, Jean, was in her late forties and she had short blonde hair with silver streaks with a small physique and her husband, Royce, happens to have a salt and pepper colored look on his short wavy hair and is tall as well as still in great shape. Oh and did I mention I can't stand them?

"So, Celeste...." Jean begins. "I'm sorry to hear about your loss recently. Although, you apparently were able to get over it." She smirks in an evil way as she looks at me and Celeste.

I can tell Celeste feels uncomfortable as am I. I mean come on, why ruin this perfect dinner of ours?

"Thanks." Celeste mumbles.

"You know we loved Malachai very much. He was a great Alpha. But then again I don't need to tell you. Although, I must say, I was a little worried about him choosing you over our daughter. Of course the Moon Goddess helped find her mate and move on but, she was more his type so then when..." She started rambling until her husband, who looked annoyed, interrupted her.

"Jean!" He snaps at her through clenched teeth. "That's enough! Don't be rude." He tells her under his breath before continuing to eat.

For the next few moments, we could all feel the awkwardness between us all. However, when I look out the corner of my eye, I notice Celeste's eyes are filling up with tears.

"I'm sorry." Celeste says and then excuses herself from the table and quickly makes her way up to her room.

"My god Jean. What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you know when to keep your mouth shut?! Besides, my brother may have been an asshole but he would never stoop as low as to sleep with your whore of a daughter!" I snap at her.

Both my parents are taken back a little bit except they all, including Royce, soon try hiding their laughter as they know what I've just said is true.

Of course, now Jean is pissed off but I don't care. She deserves it.

"Sweetie." My mom says after clearing her throat.

"Don't bother. If you'll excuse me, I've suddenly lost my appetite." I say while staring at Jean until I leave and start heading towards my bedroom.

I pass Celeste's room along the way and stop in front of her door and knock without really thinking about what to say. Though I didn't need to worry about that because she never answered.

I had forgotten to cancel my plans with one of the girls I had planned to take out tonight and she was blowing up my phone all night but I didn't bother picking it up. I just texted an apology and fell asleep. Though not before thinking about Celeste.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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