Chapter 7: Going out with my best friend II

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Shuichi will arrive in 30 minutes. Come on Kaede! You haven't even picked out an outfit! After a nice-hot shower I examined each outfit I prepared yesterday. Ugh this isn't even a date! Why am I trying so hard? I snatched the sleeveless top and highwaisted shorts. Looking into the mirror, I was proud of my outfit. "Cute and simple! Perfect for summer." I sat at my desk and started putting on makeup. I kept it light, of course. After finishing up, I saw that it was 11:50. I took my little handbag, but stopped at the entrance of my room. "I almost forgot you..." I turned around and took the hairpin on top of the drawer before clipping it onto my hair. I always wear this - three white musical notes. No matter where I was, I knew my mother followed because of this hairpin she gave me.

I jumped at the sound of the doorbell. "Coming!" I ran down the stairs and saw my grandmother drinking tea and reading the newspaper. Typical day, huh? "Hey, grandma."

"Good morning, Kaede. You look pretty. Is my girl on a date?" I blushed heavily shaking my head.

"N-no! Just... a hangout." I opened the door and saw Shuichi. This was the first time I saw him not wearing his uniform. He had a button-up shirt and navy shorts on. He still wore his cap, but maybe it was special to him like my pin is to me. He quickly scanned my outfit and blushed looking away. "You look really nice, Kaede."

"You clean up nice as well," I said with a cheerful grin.

"Who is this? Oh! So this is a date." My grandmother stood next to me examining Shuichi.

"Grandma, I already said it wasn't!" I gave Shuichi a look, mouthing 'sorry'. He shook his head with a smile before turning to my grandmother.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Akamatsu. My name is Shuichi Saihara. I hope I have your permission to take Kaede out." Why is he making it sound like a date?!

"Wow, I didn't believe there were any nice boys these days. Yes, you have my permission." She smiled turning around, but before she left she whispered into my ear, "He's cute, don't lose him."

"Grandma! Ugh... Shall we go?" He nodded and opened the passenger seat for me then entered the driver's place. She is right. I guess there are still chivalrous boys in this world.

"I'm sorry about her..."

"Don't apologize. I think it's sweet that you have someone looking out for you. I hope she likes me."

"Oh, I can tell she does." I turned away and murmured, "A little too much..." I looked at Shuichi and he had an innocent smile on his face. "By the way, why did you make it seem like a date?" That caused him to blush.

"It seemed like she thought it was, so I just played along. I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable. This can be whatever you want it to be." I didn't say anything feeling slightly guilty and the car became quiet for a few minutes.

"Hey, uh-." We both said at the same time. "You go first," I added.

"No go ahead, Kaede." I nodded and looked at his cap.

"Why do you always wear that hat?" I saw his face change, but I couldn't detect what expression it was.

"Um, it's a gift from a friend..." I could tell he was lying, but he probably has his reasons. Maybe he'll tell me as we get closer.

"That friend must be really important to you then," I said with a soft smile. "You were gonna say something right?"

"Oh, yeah I wanted to ask if you wanted to play some music." I sighed in relief at the change of mood. What was I thinking? He wouldn't intrude into someone's past like I just did.

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