Chapter 35: Girl's Night Out III

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 ~ Shuichi's POV ~

"Okay, I just saw them enter the club," Rantaro said. We put on our glasses and snuck around the club to enter through the back door. As we entered into the club, I bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry."

"Shuichi?! Rantaro?" I looked up at the familiar voice.

"Kaito?!" All three of us ran to a corner of the room. "What are you doing here?" I asked curious.

"I... wanted to have fun. What about you guys? Why do you look so covered up?" Rantaro and I glanced at each other and decided to take off our hoodies and glasses.

"We were watching the girls," I answered honestly. There was no point lying to him.

"You mean, Kaede, Maki, and the others?"

"You know?" Rantaro asked. The red haired boy rubbed the back of his neck letting out a sigh.

"I actually came because Maki told me about it. I didn't trust the whole thing one bit, and neither does she so I came..." Kaito was blushing, but for what reason? It seems Rantaro and I weren't the only ones suspicious of the whole thing.

"Well we're here a similar reason. Shuichi wants to make sure Kaede is safe." I nodded.

"Well, we need to watch on them now don't we?" Kaito looked around and started panicking. "Shit, I can't find them!" We all started surveying the crowd for the girls. We were able to find Maki and Mikan and ran up to them.

"K-kaito, what are you doing here?" Maki asked. The boy was scanning her up and down in awe. The girl started turning really red.

"I-I was just chilling! I usually come here." The girl looked at him in disbelief. While Kaito was lying horribly, I felt like something bad was happening.

"Let's look for Kaede and the others." We left the confused girls immediately. My heart started racing as we reached the bartending area. As soon as my eyes found Kaede, my heart dropped. Kaede is kissing another guy? I was stunned at the man who looked to be in his 20's wrapping his arms around my girl. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. She even changed her outfit... Is she really cheating on me?

"Shuichi, we need to help her!" Rantaro looked at me alarmed. I just gave him a confused, but angered look.

"With what? She looks happy in his arms."

"No, you dumbass! Look, she can't move at all!" I looked back at the girl I fell in love with and was surprised to see her distressed look. Without even thinking about it, I jumped to my feet and punched the guy in the face.

"Kaede!" As the guy fell back against the counter, Kaede lied onto it barely able to look at me. I could feel my body fuel up with so much anger. I saw the glass next to her and realized she was tricked into drinking alcohol. When we finished fighting the guy, he wiped his lips full of blood smirking at me. I could feel body tense up at the smug look on his face.

"So you're the girl's boyfriend... Well, you're too late." Before I could grab him again, he ran off. I was going to chase after him, but Rantaro grabbed my shirt shaking his head.

"Hey, Kaede's safety comes first, got it?" I felt my shoulders drop and nodded. I looked at Kaede who was coughing. Her face was becoming puffy and she could barely keep her eyes on me.

"Kaede! Shit, we need to get you to the hospital now! Kaito, Rantaro, get the girls! We're going now!" The boys nodded and ran off.

"S-shuichi..." I turned to the blonde-haired girl who could barely say my name. She had tears in her eyes causing my heart to ache even more. "I... can't... breathe..." I could feel so much disgust and anger at the man who did this to her.

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