Chapter 50: Hope for my best friend IV

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After that day, everyone visited on the weekends and we played games together. I came over everyday after school and helped take care of Shuichi. During the second week, his parents visited. I won't go into too much detail, but he was shocked when he saw them. It was crazy to see two celebrities standing in front of me, but when I saw how worried they were for their own son, I forgot about that and felt full inside. I thought about my parents and smiled. You protected me, too, didn't you, Mom? I kissed the pin softly. Shuichi's uncle also came a few times a week to check up on him. He updated us on Junko's case and was closer to convicting her of murdering my parents. It was difficult for me to swallow that information, but I was glad justice was finally being served.

I caught Shuichi up with the work he was missing and we watched TV shows together. On the last week, I received the news that Shuichi was able to leave on Saturday, so I bought a small set of different colored teddy bears before I went to visit him. Once I reached his room, the door was opening and it was Dr. Monokuma.

"Oh, hello, Kaede. Nice seeing you again."

"Nice seeing you, too, Doctor!" He looked at my arms and smiled.

"I assume that is for Shuichi?" I nodded shyly. I showed them to him and he seemed like he was analyzing them.

"That's really sweet of you. You two make a really good couple." I blushed and hid them behind my back again. He kept the door open for me and turned to the side so I could walk through.

"Thank you. Have a nice day!"

"You, too, Kaede, and be safe out there." he responded surreptitiously. I smiled at him and returned my attention towards Shuichi. 

"Guess what, Shuichi?" He was reading a book and put it down smiling at me.

I walked up to him with the bears behind my back. He noticed it immediately and raised an eyebrow. "Do you have something for me?" I puffed my cheeks and rolled my eyes.

"You're supposed to pretend you didn't notice!" He chuckled softly.

"Okay, sorry. Let's start again. Yes, Kaede?" I smiled and put the different colored teddy bears on his lap.

"I got you a few friends! You're able to leave on Saturday, so this is a little celebration gift." He blushed softly causing my cheeks to burn.

"Thank you, Kaede..." His tone had a hint of regret.

"Is there something wrong?" He shook his head immediately looking into my eyes, but then averted them.

"No... I just... I'm sorry for taking so much of your time." That's why he reacted that way? I smiled and sat next to him, holding his hand.

"Don't apologize, Shuichi. It's my fault you're in this bed, and I want to be with you. It's so lonely at school."

"What about the others?"

"But they're not the same as my boyfriend. I realized how much time we spent together in and out of school, and I just missed seeing you by my side." He smiled softly and I leaned in for a quick kiss.

"Thank you, Kaede." I shook my head.

"No, thank you, Shuichi, for saving my life. Are you excited to get out of here?" He thought about it for a second and gave me a teasing smile.

"I don't know. It's kind of nice here. There's this one nurse that comes everyday to take care of me." A pang of jealousy hit my heart, but I immediately shook it off.

"Oh, well, that's nice. What's her name? I should thank her." He started laughing immediately. "W-what's so funny?"

"The look on your face, Kaede." He had such an innocent smile and he clutched onto his stomach. When he finally stopped laughing, he wiped a tear from his eye and held my hand tighter. "Her name is Nurse Kaede. Have you heard of her?" There's a nurse the same name as, wait.... I mentally facepalmed myself and hid my face to stop Shuichi from seeing my beet red cheeks.

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