Chapter 44: Rumors and the truth VII

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~ Kaito's POV ~

"Why haven't they messaged me?!"

"Kaito! Get over here and look at these dresses!" Tears started to fall down my face.

"I don't want to do this anymore! I can't stand looking at another damn outfit!"

"You can save your crying for later." Miu grabbed my collar and dragged me towards the next clothing store.

"I'm sorry, Kaito," Mikan said softly.

"I-It's fine... It's just a few more days." After a few minutes, Maki left the room and my eyes widened. A short and suddle, yet gorgeous red dress hugged her body. She looked at me with a soft blush on her face. Suddenly, I felt a smack on the top of my head and looked up to see Tenko.

"Careful or you'll create a puddle with your drool, you perv." I sighed and went on my phone again.

"Come on, Kaito, I told you to grab that dress for me! We've got five more stores to visit and only two hours!" Miu exclaimed. Please, Shuichi, someone save me!

~ Shuichi's POV ~

After getting some breakfast, we brought Kokichi's phone and the ointment with the information the clinic wrote down to the police station. "So what's the plan this time?"

"Go in and do the same thing." Rantaro looked at Kokichi in disbelief.

"You saw what happened yesterday, right?"

"Yeah, but this time I've got an asset." Rantaro and I looked at each other then sighed and walked into the police station again. As soon as the police officers saw us, their eyes narrowed except for the guy from yesterday. He had a grin on his face.

"Look who it is again." The man's face scrunched up into a glare. "I thought I told you brats to leave."

"You know, as a police officer, you're not helping out your citizens. I wonder what would happen if you were reported." The guy stared at Kokichi then started laughing hysterically. Rantaro and I looked at each other in confusion wondering what Kokichi's plan was. After a few minutes, the officer returned to glaring at us. "Listen, I haven't had my coffee this morning so my patience is wearing very thin. If you do not leave my station right now I wi-"

"You'll what, Rick?" We turned around to a familiar voice. It was Hajime with his arms folded. The officer he called Rick immediately took his hat off and bowed down.

"I apologize, Mr. Hinata. These children were disturbing our station."

"Really now? It looks to me like they have evidence. Now, imagine what would happen if someone reported that a police officer was threatening citizens that needed help, especially the nephew of Saishu Saihara." The police officer looked at me in surprise.

"Your uncle is Saishu?" He immediately bowed. "I apologize for my rude behavior. We'll take the evidence." Rick reached for the items in Kokichi's hand, but he pulled away.

"I think you're missing something. We worked hard to get this information." The officer grumbled then looked at Hajime and sighed.

"Thank you. We appreciate your help." Kokichi gave him the phone and jar with a satisfied smile. We turned towards Hajime in surprise. Kokichi gave him a hug.

"Sorry for calling on you in short notice."

"Hey, any excuse to get out of class. So, were you going to tell me where you've been for like, the past few months?" Kokichi scratched his head.

"Another time. We still need your help." Hajime nodded and filled Rantaro and me on what him and Kokichi had discussed on.

~ Kaede's POV ~

"The competition is this Saturday yet Shuichi hasn't been at school. I'm getting worried," I said.

"Kaede, he's fine," Miu said.

"Shuichi may be a guy, but he wouldn't miss your performance for the world." I smiled at Tenko's words and nodded. Suddenly, the doors of the school slammed open and our eyes widened. Standing at the school's entrance was Shuichi, Rantaro, and Kokichi! Everyone ran up to them and gave the boys huge hugs. My heart felt so full and at ease. Shuichi turned to me and as soon as he smiled, my feet bolted me towards him and I jumped into his arms.

"I missed you, Kaede." His gentle words played on repeat in my heart like a symphony.

"I missed you, too, Shuichi. I missed you so much." I held him tightly scared of letting go in case he disappeared again.

As if he read my mind, he whispered softly, "I'll never leave your side again, I promise." After what felt like a million years, we let go of each other.

"Where's my hug?" I turned and saw Kokichi.

"Kokichi! I can't believe you're here!"

"Yeah, I'm not dead."

"What a shame," Miu murmured.

"Oh, hush, Miu! You missed him the most," Tenko teased. The blonde-haired girl's face turned beet red as she denied her friend's words.

"I'm glad to see you back, Kokichi. How was your vacation?" His smile faded softly and I looked at him and Shuichi.

"Kaede, there's something I have to tell you." Shuichi took my hand and walked with me away from the group. He told me that he was actually away with Kokichi and Rantaro to figure out who the mysterious person is. I felt like he was skipping through many details he didn't want me to know. Everytime he was about to say something, he paused, looked into my eyes, then smiled and started a new sentence. I trusted Shuichi so I didn't pressure him into telling me everything, just not now, that is.

"So, why did you hide it from me? You could've told me the truth."

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to worry you and I know you wouldn't have let me go." I smiled and flicked his forehead.

"You're right, but it still hurts so don't do it again." He looked down like a lectured puppy. He's so cute! I couldn't help, but wrap my arms around him. He looked into my eyes with a surprised look. I leaned in and kissed him softly. I missed this feeling so much and I know he did, too.

"Ahem." We turned and saw Rantaro smiling awkwardly.

"Rantaro! I'm glad to see you're back."

"Thanks, Kaede. I didn't mean to ruin anything, but we've got math."

"Right." I turned to Shuichi and kissed him again. "So, you didn't tell me, but did you find out who the mysterious person is?" Shuichi's mouth opened, but he looked at Rantaro then at me.

"Well, we haven't figured it out yet, but when we do, I'll let you know! Just focus on your competition okay?" He rubbed my hands softly. I twitched a little because he brushed over my burn wound. "I'm sorry!"

"It's fine, Shuichi! It's still healing."

"Do you think you'll be able to play for the competition?" Rantaro asked.

"Yeah, of course!" No, I'm not. But I can't let them know that. I lost Tsumugi's ointment and I'm too nervous to ask her. "We should get going now. Bye, Shuichi!" He had a guilty look on his face, but smiled softly and waved goodbye. Shuichi is acting weird. Is everything okay? Did he really not find out who that person is?

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