Chapter 34: Girl's Night Out II

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The next few days were awkward between Shuichi and I. I tried asking about his boys' night out, but he always dodged the questions. The only thing I knew about the event was that it was a petty way of going against me. If he thinks this is going to stop me, he is so wrong. Shuichi still picked me up to and from school, but we didn't hang out during our breaks. On Thursday, I decided to ask him one last time. "Shuichi, are you just doing this boys' night to go against me?" The boy simply smiles at me.

"Kaede, you know I would never do something like that. Rantaro and I just want to hang out." We turned at the sound of Rantaro who was calling for Shuichi. He kissed my cheek before he walked away leaving me a confused mess. I stomped towards the girls and sat down crossing my arms. "Are you and Shuichi fighting?" Miu asked. The girls were startled and looked at me in curiosity.

"What? No! He's just hanging with his friends..." I laughed a little too nervously making it easy for them to doubt me. He has to be doing this to spite me. He just seemed so opposed to me going and now he has his own hangout... I don't get that boy.

~ Shuichi's POV ~

"So it's settled. We meet at their club before they get there and then we watch over them." I nodded at Rantaro's plan. I didn't like the idea of following Kaede, but there's no doubt that she's made up her mind on going and I don't trust Tsumugi.

"Wait, how do you know which club they're going to?"

"My sisters showed me this monochat update where you can see your friend's location. Everyone except Kaede and Maki have it turned on." I nodded looking over the plan once more. "All good? I'll see you Friday then." We left for our classes. My first one was science with Kaede. We haven't talked to each other in a while since I've been preoccupied with the plan. I noticed that she was waiting in front of her locker causing me to smile. When she noticed me next to her she turned and started walking away.

"A-are you mad at me?" I asked Kaede.

"No, why would you think that?" Her pace quickened causing a sigh to escape my lips.

"Kaede, stop." We stopped right in front of the science classroom. "You've been pouting every time you see me and I've noticed you fidgeting in your seat the last few days." I smiled as she blushed softly looking away. "Want to tell me what's wrong?"

"What are you and Rantaro planning?"

"Just a boys night. What do you mean?" I wasn't lying, but I definitely could not say that with a straight face. She let out a huge sigh of defeat. 

"Okay. I guess I should just be glad you both are getting along." We smiled and walked to our seats. "So you're not upset that I'm going out?"

"Of course not. I'm just worried about the alcohol, but I trust you, Kaede. You're free to do whatever you want." I could feel my heart getting pierced with an arrow. I'm not doing anything wrong, right? This is for you, Kaede.

We talked during the rest of class which was a nice change of pace from how we were the past few days.

On Friday, Kaede asked me to drop her off at her place to grab her makeup and clothes then head to Miu's. I was relieved to see that her outfit was a cute summer dress. When I dropped her off, I headed to Rantaro's place.

~ Kaede's POV ~

"Yes! Kaede is here!" Mikan opened the door smiling at me. I marveled at the luxurious house I was in. She guided me to where the rest of the girls were. I was stunned by how dolled up most of them were. Maki had shorts and a v-neck top. I felt a little more covered, but shook away any negative thoughts. I have a boyfriend so I don't need to dress up for anyone. My goal is to watch over them.

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