Chapter 47: Hope for my best friend I

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~ Omniscient POV ~

He followed after his friend with a bad feeling in his stomach. Once he climbed to the top of the stairs he swung open the door and his eyes widened. Several police officers were standing in the hallway, but when they turned to the side, a blonde-haired girl was sitting on the floor held by two officers and Hajime. "Hajime? What are you doing here?"

"They didn't tell you?" The boy shook his head. "I'll inform you on everything later. For now, can you help Kokichi and Rantaro? We gotta get her to the station. He nodded ran past them.

"Kaito!" Standing in front of him was Rantaro, but his body tensed up when he saw Kokichi over his shoulder. When his eyes traveled south, he saw Kokichi holding his stomach.

"My eyes are up here," Kokichi said grinning yet he winced in pain and looked away.

"We need to get you to the hospital now!" Kaito helped Rantaro carry Kokichi down to the main stage. "What happened?"

"I failed to get there in time..." Rantaro answered softly.

"Don't blame yourself. That's my fault for skipping my self defense classes." Rantaro smirked, but it disappeared quickly. "I was sneaking up behind her while Kokichi was stalling for time, but she stabbed him before I could knock her out."

"Hey, luckily she didn't hit any organs."

"You guys didn't think to include me in this plan?" They both looked at Kaito guiltily. "On second thought, I kind of prefer not getting stabbed." The three laughed as they carefully took each step down the long flight of stairs. When they reached the main stage, any positive feeling sinked into a horrific fear. Miu, Tenko, Maki, and Mikan were crying as several firefighters were attempting to remove the rubble. At the center of the stage was a broken stage light and blood all over the floor.

"No..." Rantaro let go of Kokichi and ran towards the girls. "What happened?!" They looked at Rantaro then cried out more.

"K-kaede!" Tenko screamed.

"T-t-they're..." Mikan couldn't look Rantaro in the eyes. He slowly turned around to look at the blood, and the thought of Kaede being under the stage light caused his legs to become weak.

"It can't be... We're too late..."

"Wait, where is Shuichi?" Everyone looked around confused. "Did no one see him?!" Kaito shouted.

Kokichi turned around and saw Junko being escorted out of the auditorium.

"Officers, I am innocent, please! I don't know what happened!" She turned to look at Kokichi, and like a switch, her innocent persona transformed into an enraged one. "Let go of me! She deserved it! I will never regret what I did!"

When more officers came onto the scene, they escorted everyone out of the auditorium. "My friends are under there!" Miu screamed.

"We understand, miss, but we can't afford any other possible accidents." Kokichi was carefully placed on a gurney and Kaito traveled with him to the hospital.

"You have to find our friend. He's a bit shorter than me and has short dark-blue hair."

"Alright, and you said you didn't see him when the incident occurred?" The girls shook their heads except Maki.

"When the stage light was falling, I thought I heard someone scream Kaede's name..."

"Wait, I think I heard that, too!" Tenko added. The other girls nodded their heads.

"It sounded like Shuichi, but there was a lot of noise, so I'm not sure. When I quickly turned to see if he was in his seat, he wasn't there. Then the light crashed and I couldn't see anything."

"Where could he have gone?" Miu asked.

"Was he backstage?"

"There's no way, he was sitting right next to Kaito," Mikan commented.

"But, Kaito left early with Kokichi."

"Did anyone see Shuichi in his seat right before the crash occurred?" Rantaro asked, but everyone shook their heads. They took a second to think, then Rantaro's eyes widened.

"Do you think that he..." He turned around looking at the center of the stage. 

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