Chapter 36: Decisions and Secrets I

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~ Kaede's POV ~

The darkness that engulfed me turned into throbbing pain causing me to clutch my head. My throat was still puffy, but I could breathe again. I sighed in relief. I looked at my surroundings wondering where I was. Is this Shuichi's room? Why am I here? I quickly touched myself to confirm that I was still wearing clothes. I tried to remember what happened last night, but couldn't recall anything after my allergic reaction. I glanced out the window to see that it was almost morning time. A shuffling noise caused me to jump. I looked around the bed to see if Shuichi was here and there he was sleeping soundly on the floor. He's too sweet. It's his own room, I could've slept on the sofa. He looks really peaceful sleeping... I reached out to gently run my fingers through his hair. I admired how calm he looked, but pulled away when he shuffled on the floor.

I went into the bathroom still clutching onto my swollen neck and gargled some water. The dress was suffocating me and my body felt icky and disgusting. I looked at the sleeping boy and decided to take a quick shower. As the water ran down my body, the scenes last night flashed through my mind. I thought I was going to die... I shook my head and finished washing my hair. I should just be grateful and find out what happened. Once I wrapped the towel around my body, I felt completely refreshed. I didn't want to go downstairs in case Shuichi's uncle or his wife was awake, so I decided to look around his desk area. I noticed his phone and took it sitting on the bed.

Hmm... I wonder... I put the phone down next to me refusing to invade his privacy. No, what am I doing?! I glanced at it and slowly reached to grab the device again. He doesn't have a password! I guess he's got nothing to hide. I looked at his messages and saw the most recent person he talked to was Rantaro.

Rantaro: Ready to execute boys' night out?

Shuichi: Yeah, I'm almost at your place then we'll head there.

Rantaro: I really hope nothing happens there.

Shuichi: Me, too... I can't have anything happen to Kaede.

Rantaro: Let's hurry then.

"K-kaede?" I jumped at the sound of my name and immediately hid Shuichi's phone behind me. I looked in front of me at the boy who had messy hair and sleepy eyes.

"Shuichi! Good morning!" The boy raised an eyebrow, then after wiping his eyes, started blushing at the sight in front of him. I looked down and saw the towel wrapped around my body. "Oh, I decided to take a shower. Nice shampoo by the way." I let out a giggle, but the boy looked away not saying anything.

"I-I'll get you some clothes." He stood up and headed for his drawers. Once he picked up a shirt and shorts, he handed them to me without making any eye contact. I smiled and thanked him going back to the bathroom and changing. Shuichi is so cute! But what is up with those messages? I put his sleeves up to my nose. Yep, this is my favorite smell. I walked out and sat back on his bed noticing that he had changed as well. "Did you sleep well?" he asked.

"Yeah, besides waking up with a splitting headache and stuffy throat." The boy's soft smile instantly turned into a worried frown.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" The horrifying scenes played in my head as if his words activated what was hidden in my memories. I nodded holding my shivering body. "What do you remember?"

"Going into the club with the girls. Getting drinks with everyone besides Maki and Mikan. I wasn't going to get a drink, I just wanted to watch over them. Tsumugi said she was going to get me soda." Shuichi flinched at the sound of her name, but I didn't pay attention to it. "A guy tried to hit on me and started dragging me away... I was so scared, but then a guy saved me. He offered me water and when I drank it, I realized it was alcohol." Shuichi held my hand stopping the shivering. "Before, I could fight back, my body started reacting and it only got worse from there. He kissed me Shuichi..." He squeezed my hand even tighter. "Next thing I knew, I passed out in your arms." We made eye contact gazing into each other's eyes. "You saved me, Shuichi." I smiled, but his face was only full of guilt. He pulled me into a hug.

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