Chapter 48: Hope for my best friend II

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~ Kaede's POV ~

Everything was dark and I couldn't move an inch of my body. Pain was pulsating from my hand and I could hear the screams from outside. I'm not dead.... How... Wait... I'm not dead! I tried to stand up, but felt something holding my body down. "S-someone, help! I'm okay!" I tried to feel around the space I was in, but then retracted my hand as soon as I touched something wet. My eyes widened when I examined what was on my fingers.

"K-kaede..." A soft groan escaped Shuichi's lips as he raised his head.

"S-shuichi!" My heart dropped when I saw Shuichi in front of me with blood dripping down his head. Everything came back to my mind and I realized what had happened. "No... You didn't..."

"A-are you okay?" I couldn't believe that those were his first words.

"Am I okay?! Yes, yes I am! But you! Why?!" I tried to push the area around us, but nothing would budge.

"Thank God... I'm glad you're okay..."

"You idiot! Why did you save me?! You should've just let me die!"

"I told you I wouldn't let anything happen to you..." He started coughing heavily.

"Hold on, Shuichi!" My throat started to burn as tears blurred my vision. "You're going to be okay! We're going to get you out of here! I promise!" Through the glimpses of light peeking from outside, I could see his smile as blood dripped down his face. I tried to move again, but then Shuichi screamed in pain. "I-I'm sorry!" I tried to use the small glimpses of light to see what was blocking us, but when I did I wanted to scream. "S-shuichi! No... No..." I cupped my mouth when I saw what was in front of me. A rod had impaled straight through Shuichi's chest. I immediately ripped off a part of my dress and tried to stop the bleeding.

"Ahh... I-I'm fine, Kaede..." He coughed heavily and rested his head on my chest. "I just want to rest..."

"We'll get out of here I promise. Just hold on a little longer!"

"We caught her, Kaede... You'll be safe now..."

"Shuichi, please keep fighting for me."

"K-kaede..." He slowly lifted his head up, grunting at the pain.

"Don't move!" He smiled softly.

"Can I... get a kiss?" I looked at him with blurry eyes and couldn't help, but smile.

"You're such an idiot. You'll get lots of kisses when we get out of here." He started coughing more. "Shuichi..." I looked at him in the eyes, then leaned in to kiss him. Tears started falling down my face again as I tasted the blood on his soft lips. "We're going to get out of here... I promise..."

"Okay, Kaede... I trust you..." I couldn't help, but choke up and hold him tightly. "I... love you, Kaede..."

"I love you, too, Shuichi..."

"Please, don't let go of me..."

"I won't..." Those were the last words that I said to him.

After they were able to get us out of the rubble, they helped carry Shuichi to the ER, but at that moment, I didn't want to let go of him. I felt like if I let go, I would lose him forever. I sat in front of his door the entire night, praying for the surgery to go well. Several emotions spun through my heart as I looked at my blood soaked dress. Who did this? How did this even happen? Why is this happening to me? My eyes widened when memories of my parents flashed back in my head. First my parents, now someone is trying to kill me!? My body started shaking and my heart was racing. I was startled when a nurse appeared in front of me. She had a frightened and worried look in her eyes. "Miss, are you okay?" I immediately started tearing up and shaking my head. 

"It's all my fault... He's hurt because of me..." She looked at the door next to me and smiled softly.

"I don't know the full story, but what I do know is that it is not your fault. None of this is."

"H-he lost so much blood... Is he going to survive?"

"The doctor in that room is one of the best. I promise you, he is in safe hands." Her words helped calm me down and I took deep breaths, but tears kept blurring my vision and falling down my face as I looked at her. "Would you like to clean up?" I turned towards the door again and shook my head looking down. "You want to be here as soon as they're done. I understand. Let me know if you need anything. I'll be walking around." I nodded my head without looking at her, and the clicks of her heel started to disappear into the distance. Hours had passed until my eyes couldn't stay open any longer. Then, all of the sounds stopped and several people were leaving his room. I woke up instantly and one man in a different outfit turned towards me. He was probably the doctor that the lady mentioned. He gave off a sophisticated and trustworthy vibe.

"I-is he okay?" My voice was shaky and my legs felt weak from sitting the entire time. He sighed, causing my heart to race a million times per minute.

"He... broke a few ribs and lost lots of blood, but luckily the rod didn't hit any important blood vessels. He'll be staying here for at least a month, depending on his recovery speed, but yes, he is okay." I fell to the ground cupping my mouth to stop the tears.

"Thank you so much... Thank you..." The doctor knelt down and rubbed my back.

"It's my job, miss. Would you like to see him?" I looked up at him.

"I can?" He smiled and looked around.

"No, but I think he really wants to see you." I was a little confused, but stood up and walked in with him. When I entered the room, Shuichi was lying there as the heart monitor played its tune. There was blood all over the bed, but his eyes were relaxed and peaceful. I sat next to him and held his hand. The doctor walked up and stood next to me. "With the amount of blood he lost, he should've died, but he was fighting very hard to stay alive." I smiled softly squeezing Shuichi's hand. "If you need anything, let me know, Kaede." The doctor turned around to leave the room.

"Wait, how do you know my name?"

He looked at Shuichi then at me. "I heard him call out that name. I assume that's yours." My eyes widened and my heart felt full. I had to bite my lip so I wouldn't grin like an idiot.

"Thank you... Doctor?"

"Kuma," he answered. He opened the door and before he left, he turned to say, "Monokuma." I felt a weird shiver up my spine as he closed the door.

He really gives off an impression that he's one of the best doctors. I returned my attention back to Shuichi and watched him. I had no clue what time it was, but I couldn't leave until he woke up. Several hours passed, and I softly put my head on his lap. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep. 

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