Soft spot

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Tony Stark never truly cared about anything that didn't have his name on it. At least that's what the Avengers thought. They were all meeting, trying to 'reconnect' after the civil war. Tony was being his usual sarcastic, egotistical, slightly annoying to the Avengers, self. He was making jokes and not really paying attention to what the others were saying. He wouldn't say anything that was actually useful. Tony wasn't showing any emotion on his face. There was annoyance and sadness in his eyes, but his face was blank and his voice was empty. The others began to feel frustrated. Steve was about to give him one of his talks when Friday began to talk.
"Boss, Underoos is heading to the kitchen." Tony's face instantly softened and a small smile appeared on his face. The Avengers all looked at each other confused. When they looked at Rhodey, he also looked happy to hear about the kid. They followed Tony into the kitchen and saw a kid who couldn't be older than 15.
"Hey kid," Tony said as Rhodey said, "Hey Pete." Peter turned around and smiled excitedly. His smile fell into a shocked expression when he saw the others.
"Those are- they're the- Avengers-in here- I think- I think I'm dying." Tony laughed softly at the kid.
"Yes these are the Avengers. And please don't die. My heart can't take it." The others were about to speak when Peter spoke first.
"What heart Mr. Stark?" He said with a smirk. Natasha and Rhodey snorted while the others eyes widened. Tony gasped.
"You little shit. You wound me Pete." The kid just laughs before looking at the others. His eyes land on Bruce and he gasps loudly. He points to him.
"You're- that's- He's..." The others looked to Bruce and he sighed.
"Yeah, I'm the Hu-," he was cut off.
"You're Bruce Banner," Peter says. Wheezing slightly. "You are the smartest person ever. Oh my god. I'm actually in the same room as... Mr. Stark, its Bruce Banner!" Tony laughs again.
"Yes kid. That's Bruce. But why didn't you react this way when you met me?" Peter continued to look at Bruce.
"He's cooler." Everyone laughed slightly, except Steve. He was still confused. He looked at Tony, catching his eye. Tony sighed then turned back to the kid.
"Alright Pete. Go do your homework. I'm about to be interrogated." Peter laughs again, giving him a thumbs up. He walks away and Tony turns back to the Avengers.
"Um, Tony? Who was that? And why were you acting so soft towards him?"
"That's Peter. I act 'soft' around him because he's the closest thing I have to a son." The Avengers eyes widened. Tony clapped his hands together.
"So, are you guys moving back here?"

A/N: I don't like this one as much. Whatever. So I only have two friends, and now they aren't friends anymore. It's awkward. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!

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