Happy And Tony Miss Their Spider-Kid

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Infinity war....

Everyone on earth watched as the ones they cared for disappeared. Happy was scared because he wasn't with anyone besides Pepper. They were both still alive as of now. They were just worried about their friends. They didn't know what happened to them. They know Tony went to space, but is he still alive?
—time skip—
It's been months and someone picked the two up from the tower and took them to Wakanda. Once they got there, they saw the team was smaller and Tony wasn't in the room. They began to panic before Steve noticed.
"Tony's alive. He's just in a guest room." They smiled at him before they were led to where their friend was. As soon as they're outside the door, they hear crying. They look at each other before knocking.
"Go away. I'm fine." Pepper sighed.
"Tony, it's me. And Happy." There's rustling on the other side of the door then it opens. Their hearts break at the look on Tony's face. His eyes are red and puffy, his cheeks bright and his face just looked broken. Pepper smiles sadly at him before pulling him into a hug. He hugs back tightly and steady his breathing. She pulled back and looked into his eyes.
"What's wrong Tony?" They can see him trying not to cry as he answers.
"Peters gone. He's gone Pep. I couldn't save him this time." Tears fall down his face again and Pepper pulls him into another hug. Happy is frozen. He never thought that Peter would die so soon. He was just sixteen. He was happy and bubbly and he had a bright future ahead of him. He catches Tony's eye and they have a silent conversation. Happy excused himself with a shaky voice before finding a bathroom to compose himself.
—time skip—
The days go on and the team realized that whoever Tony lost, he was important to Happy as well. That shocked them because it was hard to get to Happys soft side. They watched as the two men shared looks whenever people brought up certain subjects. Like Star Wars, legos, and anything Avengers related in general. They saw that Pepper was affected as well, but obviously not as much as Tony and Happy.
"Hey Pepper, what's causing Tony and Happy to look so...," Steve trails off mid sentence, not really knowing how to describe it. She looks at them then sighs.
                "Peter Parker. You knew him as Spider-Man. He was about 16. Tony loved him like a son. Happy acted like he was annoyed, but ever since the vulture, Peter is like his nephew." They look at her confused.
                "Vulture?" Pepper nods.
                "The guy who tried to steal your stuff. Peter brought the plane down by accident, but he caught him. And before the plane, vulture trapped him under a building." The teams eyes widened.
                "And you said he's 16?"
                "15 at the time." They all stared at her until Tony walked into the room. He looked up and saw all of them looking at him sympathetically. He looks at Pepper.
                "You told them?" She nods apologetically. Clint and Scott shared a look before they both put a hand on Tony's shoulder.
                "Tell us about the kid Tones." Tony looks at them before calling Happy into the room.
                "He has some funny stories of Peter as well," Tony said with a sad, but fond smile. They talked about Peter and all the others they lost. Tony and Happy shared another look, having another silent conversation. They would do whatever it takes to get Peter back.

A/N: I've been stressed brothers. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!

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