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             Peters class were on their annual field trip. Only thing is, Peter wasn't there that day. And once they found out where they were going, Flash started talking about him.
            "Peter probably stayed home because he found out we were going to the tower and he's to scared to be called out." Ned and Mj just rolled their eyes. Flash didn't make any sense. The bus stopped outside the tower and everyone tumbled out. They were pushing each other and kept doing so until someone fell and scrapped their knee.
            "Alright that's enough. You need to behave if you want the tour," the teacher calls out. Everyone stops immediately, still bouncing on their feet. They walk into the lobby area and they're met with a tour guide.
            "Hello students. These are your passes. They must be visible at all times. You're all level one since you're just a tour group, but don't worry. You'll still be able to see a lot." The guide continues to explain everything as she passes out the... passes. Flash raised his hand.
             "Yes sir?" He lowers his hand and smirks.
             "Does someone named Peter work here?" The girl has a thoughtful look before turning her confused gaze to Flash.
             "There are a lot of Peters here. You'll have to be more specific." Flash sighs, but his smirk doesn't leave.
             "Parker. Peter Parker." The girls eyes widened as she lets out a small gasp. The confused looks are now on her.
               "You know Mr.Parker, I mean Peter, personally? What's he like?"
               "What do you mean? If he works here, you have to know him right?" The girl laughs breathily.
                "I wish I knew him. He works with Mr.Stark personally. He's basically his son. Friday calls him mini Stark. Not to be rude to Mr.Stark, but Peter is much more attractive." They look at her like she lost her mind, except Mj and Ned. They knew basically everyone in this building liked Peter. Too bad he had a girlfriend. The guide cleared her throat.
                "I apologize. Anyways, on with the tour."
—time skip—
                They entered a lab that was bigger than the previous one. The guide, who they learned was named Steph, started to explain. She was cut off when they saw web fly from one end of the room to the other. They watched as he hit a cardboard box then crushed it easily. Laughter filled the room and they looked over to the source. Everyone's eyes widened. There was Peter Parker, sitting next to Mr.Stark, laughing maniacally while the older man looks at him concerned with an arm around his shoulder. Steph looks like she's about to faint when she sees Peter.
                 "What the hell Parker?" Flash exclaims. Peter looks at them then shrugs.
                 "What? I told you I interned here."

A/N: here's this. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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