Another Spoiler Story

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Endgame spoilers again! You've been warned.
This is a request from @CarlitaChavero
I'm changing it a little bit so I'm sorry but I hope it's close to what you wanted. I didn't edit, sorry.

Peter woke up with a gasp and began to take deep breathes. Stephen walked up to him and put his hands on his shoulder to calm him down. He looked at his surroundings and saw he was still on Titan. His breathing calmed and he looked back up at Stephen.
"Come on kid. It's been five years. They need us in their fight." Peter just nodded his head and stood up. Dr.Strange did his thing as Peters eyes widened in awe. They went through and saw the battle field. It was dark and crowded. He looked up and saw Sam fly past Steve. He smiled slightly and waited for the signal.
"Avengers..... Assemble." Peter smiled brightly. He's an Avenger. He focused again and started fighting. He made his way to Tony as quickly as he could and saved him from whatever that thing was. He began rambling to Tony about how he was there and he was cut off by Tony hugging him. He hugged back until they had to get back to fighting.
It went on for a while then he had the gauntlet and every thing was a blur from there. Captain Marvel took the gauntlet eventually and Peter looked around again. They weren't doing so great. He swung to Stephen and glanced at the gauntlet one more time.
"Is there anyone who can wear that and not die?" Stephen gave him a look. Peter wasn't stupid. He knew what that meant.
               "Is this our chance? Our winning time?" Peter asked hopefully. Stephen sighed.
               "If I tell you what happens, it won't happen." Peter nods again and continues the fight. It went on for even longer and then Steve went down again. Peter glanced at Stephen again from across the field. He shakily held up one finger and Peter felt fear and determination fill him. He made his way to Thanos and caught his fist right before he punched Tony. He got all the stones out unnoticed. Thanos pushes him away and gave a smug smile.
               "I am inevitable." He snapped but nothing happened. He looked at the gauntlet and saw that the stones were gone. His eyes widened as Peter lifted his hand. The stones were glowing and the colors trailed up his arm.
               "And I... am... Spider-Man." He bit his lip as he snapped his fingers. He saw white and his body was engulfed in pain. He whimpered softly before the white went away and he was back on the battlefield. His arm was gray and flaky. His breathing was shallow but he was still there. He leaned against a pile of metal and let out a relieved breath. He looked around and watched as Thanos' army turned to dust, just like he did five years ago. They were all gone. Even Thanos was gone. He smiled to himself and focused on his breathing. Steve was the first to walk up to him. He kneeled next to Peter and put a hand on his good shoulder.
               "Hey Queens." His voice was shaky as he spoke to the teen. "You're younger than I thought." Peter gave him a soft smile. His gaze traveled to Rhodey as he landed on his other side. He smiled at him as well.
               "Hey kid. You did good." Tears formed in Peters eyes at the praise. They sat like that for a moment. Then Tony landed next to him and pushed Steve to the side.
               "Hey underoos. You're gonna be okay. We're gonna get you some help and you'll go see May and Ned and tell them you're alright..." Peter cut him off by putting his hand over Tony's.
               "Dad..." Tony let out a broken sob as he brought his hand up to Peters chest and told Friday to check Peters vitals. Peter shook his head as much as he could and gave Tony another smile.
               "I'm....okay." Peters voice was quiet. They almost couldn't hear it. But it was there. Tony gave him a painful smile and kissed his forehead.
               "Come on kid. Let's get you some help." He picked Peter up and took him to Bruce.
—time skip—
               Peter has been laying in the guest bedroom of Tony's house ever since he used the gauntlet. He was there, but he wasn't there. He looks around and smiles at everybody but he can't talk like he did after his snap. If it wasn't for his healing, he would've been dead. This was the only time Tony and May were happy that he had superpowers. Tony never left the kids side. He would talk to him about Morgan and how he told Morgan stories of all the times Peter saved someone. Morgan always told Tony that Peter was her favorite and Tony would say he was his favorite too. Morgan sat by Peter every once in a while and just hold him close. She got her brother back even though she never physically had him in the first place. She loved him from the stories she was told and she wants him to be okay. They just wait. It takes months and within the first five months, Tony talked to May about adoption. May was hesitant but she believed that it would be good for Peter, so she agreed. Nothing was going to be confirmed until Peter was awake. Ten months passed and the other Avengers were ready to give up. But not Tony. He wasn't going to lose his kid again if he could stop it this time. He sat by his side, talked to him, and prayed. He's never prayed before but he felt like this was his last option. So, he grabbed Peters hands between his, lowered his head, and prayed. He begged for Peter to be okay. He prayed until he fell asleep with his head on his and Peters hands. He woke up to a hand ruffling his hair weakly. He looked up and saw Peter looking at him with a smile.
               "Hey Mr.Stark." His voice was till weak, but it held more life in it then the first time he spoke to them. Tony let out a shaky breath and pulled Peter into a hug as tears fell into the kids hair. Peter hugged back with his left hand since he couldn't move his right. Tony placed another kiss on Peters forehead before pulling away. He saw a smirk grow on Peters face.
               "So I'm a Stark now?" Tony nods and smiles at Peter. Peters smirk turns into a real smile. "Awesome!" Tony chuckled before he remembers the rest of the team. He walks out of the room and calls them in. They all crowd into the room and give Peter fond and concerned looks. Steve steps forward.
               "Hello Peter. I'm Steve." He holds out his hand that Peter would have to use his right hand to shake. Peter chuckled softly.
               "Nice to meet you Steve. You might want to use your other hand," he says while gesturing to his right arm. Steve blushes a little but sticks out his other hand. Peter shakes it and Steve's smile grows. Everyone talks for a little while until they hear a quiet cough from the door. They turn and see Morgan standing by the door. Peter smiles brightly and looks at Tony. The man nods and gestures Morgan over. She hesitantly walks towards Peter and Tony picks her up to put her on the bed. Morgan grabs Peters hand and looks into his eyes before smiling brightly and hugging him.
               "You're the best superhero ever!" Peters smile grows if that's even possible.
               "Thank you Morgan. Has dad told you about me before?" Morgan nods frantically and Peter smirks at Tony before it turns to a look of shock as Morgan continues.
"He said you were the best hero because you knew what was right and wrong. He said if you got back you would be the best big brother now you're back, so you can be the best brother." Peter looks at Tony with tears in his eyes before looking back at the little girl.
"Well, I'll be the best brother I can be. I love you Morgs." Morgan smiles at him, showing her teeth before pulling him onto another hug.
"I love you 4000!" Tony gasps in fake offense with a smile on his face.
"You live him more than me Morgan? I'm hurt."
"Get a band aid." The room filled with laughter and Tony glances at Pepper and she just shrugs her shoulders. A few minutes pass before Peter winced slightly. Everyone notices and asks what's wrong. Peter just gives them a soft smile.
"I just need to get some more rest. I'll be fine." Everyone nods at him before they file out of the room. Tony stays behind and squeezes Peters hand and kisses his forehead one more time. He walks out of the room as Peter falls asleep again.

A/N: why are the sadder stories longer? Because I'm depressed. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!

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