Pardon? Part 2

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Peter just stared at his feet as he stood in the lab with Tony Stark. It was quiet for a while until the older man cleared his throat.
"So your name's Peter?" Peter just nods shyly, still not looking at Tony. "Friday said you interned here?" Peter nods again and Tony sighs.
"Come one kid. I just got told some big news and now I'm panicking, but I'm trying to calm down. So tell me about yourself." Peter looks up at him and apologizes. Tony just waved his hand, telling Peter to start talking.
"Um, I'm Peter. I'm 15. I like science and stuff I guess. I'm not really that interesting." Tony smiles at the kid and shakes his head.
"Do you do well in school? Get good grades?" Peter nods.
"Yeah. I'm at the top of my classes. Mostly because they're really easy." Tony was about to ask how they were easy but Peters phone rang. He answered it after looking at Tony apologetically.
"Yeah Ned?... What? Where?... okay." He hangs up and walks away from Tony as said man just looks at the teen confused.
"I'm so sorry Mr.Stark, but something came up. I have to go."
"Okay. Why don't you come back down tomorrow?" Peter looks conflicted, but nods his head as he leaves the room. He says a quick goodbye and then he's gone. The rest of the team walk in and they begin to ask questions that Tony couldn't answer.
—time skip—
The Avengers were watching tv in the living room when they started switching channels and landed on the news channel.
"Spider-Man got here almost thirty minutes ago and the chaos has already started to simmer down. Spider-Man has already saved multiple children and families and he has almost taken the Vulture down." The camera goes back to where Spider-Man is fighting the vulture and the Avengers watch excitedly. They may not know Spider-Man, but they think he's pretty cool. A few minutes pass when everyone thinks he's about to win because the vulture doesn't hit him with his little machine, but they soon realize why. Everyone screams as the building falls onto the masked hero and the Avengers gasp. Everyone just stared at the building. There was some screaming, so they could tell he was still alive, but you couldn't here what he was saying. Then, it went quiet. The team stood, about to get their suits, until they saw the building being lifted. They watched as the hero who couldn't be more than 25 lift a whole building. His mask was off, but you couldn't see his face because of all the blood. He quickly put the mask back on and ran to catch up with the vulture.
—time skip—
Peter was in the happiest mood he's ever been in. He defeated the Vulture and now he was going to the tower to hang out with Mr.Stark. He was smiling widely, not caring how much it hurt his bruised face to smile. He walked through the scanner and the security stared in shock as the kid didn't even use a pass. Their shock grew as Friday talked to him in a warm tone.
"Hello Mr.Parker. Boss wants you to meet him and the Avengers in his personal lab. I'll take you there now." Peter followed the AIs directions and waved at interns that smiled at him. He made it to the lab and everyone turned to look at him. He ducked his head, but everyone noticed his bruises right away.
"What happened Pete?" Tony looked at the kid concerned as he just shook his head and smiled reassuringly.
"I'm fine Mr.Stark. So, what are we doing today?" Tony smiled at the teen and pulled him over to a computer and asked if he could understand what was on it. He said yes and everyone gave him confused looks, but didn't say anything as he began to work. Natasha was the only one who kept her gaze on the kid. He seemed familiar.

A/N: okay soooo.... if you want a part three I can do that and just finish this prompt, or I can do what I did with unofficial dad Peter and write a full story. If you don't want a full story I can do a part 3 and if you don't want a part three, then this will just end here. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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