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My throat feels like it's being ripped apart and I feel like I'm about to throw

"Tony, you can't keep pushing off this meeting. What's so important that you have to leave in the middle of our discussions?" Steve asked Tony as he yelled at Tony, again, for leaving a team meeting early.
"Sorry cap. But the reason I'm leaving is one hundred percent more important than this meeting right now. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go pick someone up." Everyone rolled their eyes.
"Well can we at least go with you? So we can see what's on so important." Tony let out a sigh as he nodded his head and he walked towards the car.
"Only one of you can come. I pick Natasha because she already knows who this person is." The team looked at Natasha in confusion as her face lit up.
"ребенок паук?" Tony nodded his head with a slight chuckle before gesturing to the car again. They both hopped in quickly and drove off.
—time skip—
Peter walked out of the school doors as he continued to talk to Ned about a new LEGO set that just came out.
"My mom said I could get it for my birthday since it's only a few weeks away and- oh my god, that's black widow." Peter looked to where his friend was pointed and his smile brightened.
"мама паук!" He ran up to Natasha and hugged her. They swayed side to side a little as Natasha laughed softly. They pulled away and Nat ruffled Peters hair. He gave her a playful glare before trying to fix it. He turned back to Ned and waved his hand, telling him to come over. His friend walked towards them slowly and gave a shy wave to Natasha. She just smiled and waved back before Tony told them they had to leave or he was leaving without them. They chuckled softly before Peter said bye to Ned and got in the car.
—time skip—
The Avengers were all sitting in the living room as they waited for Tony and Natasha to get back. They heard the elevator door open and Natasha's laugh began to fill the room. They all gave each other confused looks before Natasha walked in with a teen in her arms, a bright smile on her face. Tony followed with a genuine smile on his face. He noticed the team and cleared his throat, causing the other two to look as well. When Natasha saw them, her smile fell slightly, but it was still there. Peter whispered something to her and the bright smile was back. They headed back to the elevator then made their way to the gym. The teams confusion grew.
"Who was that and where are they going?" Clint asked as he stood up and walked towards Tony, the team following after.
"That's Peter. Personal intern. They're going to the gym, as you heard, probably to dance or something. I don't know. They don't tell me anything." They were about to ask more questions before Rhodey and Happy walked into the room.
"Tony, tell Happy that Peter likes me more since I actually talk to him."
"Tell Rhodey that Peter likes me more because I do talk to him and take him to his favorite ice cream shop after school." The team didn't think they could get anymore confused. But then, Deadpool walked into the room with his arms spread wide.
"Hello tin can. Where's my baby boy?" Tony let's out a sigh before telling Wade where Peter was. He gave Tony a quick nod before waving to the Avengers and walking out. Steve's mouth was open in shock.
"Your intern is dating Deadpool? Is he out of his mind?" Anger flashed through Tony, Rhodey and Happys eyes before Tony cleared his throat.
"Yes, Peter is dating Deadpool. I think he's actually really good for him. I didn't like Wade at first but they help each other so what can you do. Also Peter is not out of his mind or dumb or stupid or whatever you guys may think. He's smarter than Bruce. He just doesn't have the best common sense sometimes." Clint furrowed his brows as he understood the defensive tone in Tony's voice.
"Is peter your kid?" The team looked at him like he just said the dumbest thing he's ever said. Then they saw Tony's soft smile and realized maybe Clint wasn't so dumb.
"Not really, but I see him as my son. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go spend some time with my kid."

A/N: my throat huuuuuurrrrrtttssssss. I'm dying. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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