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Me no likey. Also I just want to go ahead and apologize. I don't know how Alzheimer's works exactly. This is just how my mind interpreted what I read.
          Nothing ever really stood out to the Avengers. Sure Peter forgot things sometimes, but they were just small things. Like where his keys were. It didn't seem like that big of a deal. Especially since he was 16 and definitely had trouble with focusing.
—time skip—
Time went on and Peters memory seemed to be getting worse. Peter, the kid who used to be able to remember random strangers names for weeks, could barely remember newer interns names. Again, they didn't think much of it. He was probably just stressed. And then his grades started going down because he was having "performance issues" as his teachers said. It was worrying, but they just said it was stress again.
—time skip—
His memory continued to get worse. This is when they started to ask May about it. She said she noticed, but she thought something happened at the tower. He could barely remember simple things he used to always know.
"Hey Pete, can you help me with this equation?" This was responded with, "I don't know how to solve that."
"Hey Peter, what did you have for breakfast? You liked it so I wanted to try it." "Umm, I don't remember. Sorry."
"Hey Pete, what did you get on the quiz?" "We had a quiz?"
Their worry grew as more events like this happened. But, they believed it wasn't too bad, so they don't need to worry too much. They didn't think it could get worse.
—time skip—
It got worse. They began to realize that it wasn't just stress or a few bad months. Certain things made it very obvious that something was really wrong.
Peter was walking through the halls and he turned left, walking through the doors, into the training room. Natasha, Clint and Sam all looked at him confused.
"Hey Pete, aren't you supposed to be in the lab with Tony?" Clint asked. Peter tilted his head in confusion.
"Where's Tony's lab?" The three shared a look.
"Right down that hall, Pete. You know where it is." Peter looked like he was thinking for a second before he smiled.
"That's right. Sorry. I guess I'm just tired." They smiled at him until he left the room. He began to forget where he's been, where he was going to go, and what time it was. They had Bruce look into it, and he came back with not so great news.
"He has Alzheimer's. He's already at stage five. I don't know how we didn't notice. There are treatments, but they're not guaranteed."
—time skip—
Stage six came faster than the others. This was the one that broke them the most. So far.
"Hey Pete, do you want to go get some food? Thai?" Tony asked from Peters bedroom door. He looked at him confused.
"Who are you?" That broke Tony's heart as well as the others. If he didn't remember Tony, he wouldn't remember them. His aunts heart almost broke when he asked when his parents were going to get back from their trip. "And where's Ben, May?" He asked so innocently that it hurt May even more. He could remember Ned, but only small pieces.
"I don't know you, but something in me says you're my best friend." His memory would come back sometimes. Everyone loved those days and hated them the most. Especially when he asked why he was so much skinnier than he remembered. He saw and heard things that weren't actually there, and it scared him. He didn't know what was happening because none of his powers were working. He was just there.
—time skip—
Stage seven. Peter lost all of his ability to be Peter. The Avengers needed to help Peter with the simplest things. They realized he wasn't going to last much longer. The treatments just made it worse for some reason. Peter didn't remember any of them, but he didn't even really notice they were there. He was just in his bed until he was gone. Tony was with him the most. Even if Peter didn't remember him, he wanted to be there for him. Before Peters condition got this bad, on one of his good days, he remembered Spider-Man. The others wanted to see if anyone noticed his disappearance. Of course they did. Everything that Peter stopped increased when he was gone. And the people of Queens missed the kid. They didn't let him know that on his next good day.
Now, Peter was dying. They couldn't do anything about it. The only thing left to do was to just be there for him. And they guessed he died on one of his good days.
"Hey Mr.Stark." Tony smiled at the kid as a few tears fell down his face. Peter was crying as well, but he was trying to hold himself together. For Tony.
"I'm gonna be okay. And you will too." His breathing became heavier the more he spoke.
"I know you will Pete." More tears ran down his face. Peter weakly lifted his hand to wipe them away.
"Take care of...yourself... alright? Make sure... the others don't... don't do anything stupid." His voice got weaker as he continued to speak.
"I will underoos. We'll figure it out eventually." Peter smiled at Tony and then his gaze changed. Instead of the loving, hopeful look, Peters eyes now shined with confusion and fear as he looked at Tony.
"Who are you?" More tears fell down Tony's face.
"I'm just here to take care of you." Peters confused eyes slowly closed. Tony tried to hold in his sobs. Friday's robotic, but humanly empathetic voice filled the room.
"Boss, I think it would be a good idea to leave the room." Tony nodded, not really paying attention, and walked out. A doctor smiled sympathetically at them before walking into the room. Everyone's eyes were filled with tears.
"I need to tell Karen."

A/N: I wanted to do a sad one, but I decided to go easy and do a sadder one soon. I was also gonna title this "Who are you" but then I thought of a future story. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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