Cabin in the Woods

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Endgame spoilers ahead! Don't read if you haven't seen Endgame. Alright, continue

          It's been a month since all the dusted people came back. Happy decided to pick Peter up from school because he needed to talk to him. Peter got in the car and let out a sigh as they began their drive. After ten minutes, Peter realized they weren't heading in the direction of his apartment.
          "Um, Happy? Where are we going?" Happy just shook his head and stayed silent as they continued their ride. Peter let out an annoyed huff and leaned his head against the window. He watched as the buildings slowly began to be replaced by trees and he recognized where he was. He looked away as he caught sight of the homey cabin. He gave Happy a sad look.
          "Happy, what are we doing here?" He asked dejectedly. Happy doesn't answer as he turns off the car and opens his door. Peter hesitated before getting out and just stands next to the car, looking at the lake. Tears well up in his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away. Happy put a comforting hand on his back and led him to the house. He knocked and Pepper opened the door, smiling at Peter.
          "Hey Pete. How are you?" Peter gives her a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.
          "I'm fine Pepper. How are you?" She says the same and leads the two inside. She tells them to sit while she goes to get Morgan from her room. Happy leans against a wall while Peter looks around the living room. It wasn't something people would expect Tony to enjoy, but Peter knew he probably loved it here. He hears footsteps approaching and he turns around to see Pepper with a young girl with dark hair. Peter gives the girl a soft smile and she walks up to him. Her face lights up in recognition.
          "I know you! You're Peter! Daddy told me stories about you. There's a picture of you in the kitchen. I'll go get it!" She ran out of the room and Peter just stared at the spot she was standing in shock. He looked up at Pepper and she gave him a sad smile. Morgan walked back into the room holding a picture frame and she held it out to Peter. He grabbed it carefully and tears formed in his eyes again. Morgan began to speak.
          "Daddy always told me stories about what you two did together. Those were my favorite bedtime stories. He always said he loved you and was very proud of you. He also said he missed you. Daddy said you were his favorite superhero because you were the best of all of them!" Peter smiled softly at the picture as a tear ran down his face and landed on Tony's photographed one.
          "He was my favorite too." Pepper put a comforting hand on Peters shoulder and he leaned into it lightly. Pepper then pulled Morgan away so she could have lunch. Happy sat down next to the teen as tears began to fall down his face freely. He put an arm around his shoulder.
          "He did it for you kid. He wasn't going to but then he saw your picture. He wanted you to have a future." Peter looked up at him and Happy felt like he said something wrong.
          "So it was my fault." His voice was quiet and he sounded so young that it made Happy realize that he was still a kid. He shook his head quickly and looked Peter in the eye.
          "It was not, and will never be, your fault. It was his choice and he went through with it. He never said it to you, but he loved you so much Peter. He wouldn't want you blaming yourself." Peter still had a guilty look on his face but he nodded softly. They heard the girls footsteps approaching again and Peter quickly wiped his eyes. Morgan smiled at Peter and crawled into his lap.
          "You're my big brother right?" Peter gave the girl a bright smile and laughed sadly.
          "Yeah, I'm your big brother Morg." The girl smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. Peter hugged back and looked at Pepper to see a tear run down her face. He gave her a reassuring smile before hugging the young girl tighter.
—time skip—
          Peter was sitting on the dock by the lake as he watched the ripples in the water. He felt safer there and he didn't know why. He didn't even flinch when he heard footsteps approach him and someone sat down next to him.
           "Thank you Peter." Peter turned and gave Pepper a confused look. She just gave him a smile before wrapping an arm around him.
          "Thank you for being there for Tony. Understanding the superhero life. He loved you and was very proud of you. Just like Morgan said. And I know it's hard to hear this, but Tony would want you to keep that smile on your face. You'll be okay. We all will." Peters lip trembled slightly as he tries not to cry. Pepper just nodded at him before pulling him into a hug and wrapping both arms around him. Peter sobbed into her chest and let everything out. They were loud and broke Peppers heart as she held onto the kid. He began to apologize to Pepper when his crying calmed. She just shook her head at him and continued to run her fingers through his hair.
          "You know, I think it would be good for Morgan to grow up with a brother in the house. I know it's sudden but what do you say about you and May moving in here?" Peter smiles at Pepper softly.
          "I think that sounds like a great idea." They sit on the dock for a few more minutes before they hear Happy walk up to them.
          "Peter, I need to show you something." Pepper squeezed Peter once more before letting the boy follow Happy. They walked towards the car and Happy opened the trunk, pulling out the Spider-Man mask. He holds it out to Peter.
          "Put it on." Peter grabs it and Happy walks away. He stares at the mask, wondering why he needed to put it on, before he put it on. He was expecting to hear Karen, but he got something else.
          "Hey underoos. In case you can't already tell, it's Tony." Peter brought a hand up to his mouth and fell to the ground, leaning against the car. "You may be wondering why I recorded this for you to hear. I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you. You kicked ass in Germany, you took down the Vulture in your onesie, you wanted to watch out for the little guy, and there's so much more you've done. I'm so, so, proud of you Peter. When I first met you, you were just going to be used to settle the Avengers little disagreement, but then you worked your way into my heart like you do with everyone. You were like a son to me and I really want Morgan to grow up with you around. I needed to get you back Peter. No matter what. I already had my life, you needed a chance to have one too. I'm sorry I can't be there for you physically, but I'm never leaving you, understand? Keep being the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. I love you underoos. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
          Tears began to fall out of Peters eyes again as he sat against the car. The sun began to set when Peter took off his mask and Morgan walked up to him. He smiled to the girl and pulled her into a loose hug. Morgan gave a soft smile and wiped his tears.
          "Mommy said dinners ready and if you want some you should come inside." Peter just nodded and stood up before following the girl back into the house, glancing at the lake one more time.
—time skip—
          Peter and May have been living in the cabin for almost a year now. Peter and Morgan grew very close and they would tell each other everything. One night, Peter was woken up as Morgan quietly said his name from his now open door. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up to look at the girl. He gave her a soft smile and she crawled onto his bed. Peter pulled the girl into a hug.
          "What's wrong Morgs?" The girls grip tighten on Peters shirt and she whimpered softly.
          "I miss daddy." Guilt filled Peter before it was replaced with sadness. He pulled the girl closer and kissed the top of her head.
          "I miss him too." They sit like that for a while, Morgan sniffling and whimpering as Peter tried to keep his tears in. Morgan sat up slightly and rubbed her eyes before laying back down on Peters chest.
          "Tell me a story about you and daddy. Those were always my favorite." Peter thought for a minute before a smile grew on his face.
          "I walked home from school and I noticed an unfamiliar car near my building. I shrugged it off and walked to my door. I unlocked it and walked in and began to talk to Aunt May..."

A/N: why am I crying? I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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