It's me, Mario!

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"Did you study philosophy, Maria?" Altaïr curiously asked, tilting his head.

"I've read scraps...nothing more." I simply replied.

"The philosopher Empedocles preached that all life on Earth began simply, in rudimentary forms: hands without arms, heads without bodies, eyes without faces. He believed that these early forms combined, very gradually over time, creating all the variety of life we see before us." He explained. He spoke with passion, as if measuring the full weight of every word and displaying it to me. "Interesting, hm?"

I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. "I don't see the point of your ramblings." I said, shaking my head.

Suddenly, the ship's bell began to ring. We both looked up at the noise, before Altaïr rose to his feet. "Only a mind free of impediments is capable of grasping the chaotic beauty of the world. This is our greatest asset." He explained as he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up. I hissed lightly in pain.

"But is chaos something to be celebrated? Is disorder a virtue?" I questioned as I began to walk away.

As Altaïr rested his hand on the back of my neck, he continued. "It presents us with challenges, yes. But freedom yields greater rewards than the alternative. The order and peace the Templars seek requires servility and imprisonment."

"Hmm...I know the feeling." I replied sarcastically, showing him my bound wrists. At this, he unsheathed his hidden blade and cut me free, allowing me to grab onto the ladder and climb up to the upper deck.

I sat up abruptly on my bed, panting heavily as a thin sheet of sweat covered my face. What was that...? Altaïr was yet again consuming my dreams. And that name....Maria. It was the same name Altaïr had called out in my other dreams, when I died in his arms. Ugh, this is so confusing. I laid back down, resting my head on the pillows as I tried to calm my racing heart. My headache had long passed, the medicine the girls had brought having made wonders on my body. I cracked my eyes open and looked around.

I seemed to be alone in the room. The chair on which Paola had previously sat with a sword to her hip was empty, presenting nothing but perfectly folded clothes. The curtains had been shut, but I could still perfectly see the vibrant colors of a sunset. I stretched my arms before leaving the bed, heading back to the chair to fetch the clean clothes Paola had left for me.

They seemed rather comfortable. Dark grey pants that surprisingly fit my body like a glove, along with a long pale tunic. An intricate bodice was equally presented to me, dark in colors but highlighted with vibrant hints of red. A large belt would go over it, bearing proudly the symbol of the Assassins. I honestly felt honored to be putting it on. To be wielding it. I felt like I was doing the right thing. The bodice was rather difficult to put on by myself. But after several minutes of struggling, I managed to tie it up comfortably. It wasn't constricting, unlike the corset I had previously worn. I could move perfectly well, the leather of the bodice offering both support and a full range of movement.

Along with the bodice was a dark cloak that reached down to my knees. I kept the hood down, and proceeded to put my (h/l) (h/c) hair up in a ponytail, so it wouldn't bother me, were I to get in a fight. By the time I was done, there was a knock on the door. I turned around in surprise. "Come in!" I called out, proceeding to sit on the bed so I could slip the boots on.

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