Special preparations

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A/N: It takes 4 years to prepare the mission in which Ezio assassinates Emilio Barbarigo and needs to prevent the new Doge of Venezia from being poisoned. So, in this chapter, Ezio and (y/n) take a few weeks off to not only relax, but to also look for more hidden tombs.


Who knew that talk would end so well. I, who feared the worst, ended up having the best night of my life. And trust me, with Ezio as my lover, I had plenty of nights to choose from. It would seem, much to my amusement, that Venezia was much more magical than what people tended to say. Even as months went by, that moment remained engraved in my memory. Things could've ended horribly. We were, after all, sitting on a rooftop. One of us could've slipped and gotten hurt badly. But that just added to the thrill of it all. Plus, we were both so desperate that I don't even think we thought twice when it came to a proper spot. I hummed softly in content as I heard the waves clash against the wooden structure of the ship, only smiling more as I felt his familiar arms snake around my waist. "Looks like someone is soaring above the clouds~" Ezio teased, resting his head on my shoulder as he pulled me tight against his chest.

"When you're around? Always~" I giggled, then after a few moments, I closed my eyes and leaned back against his chest. "When are we going to dock?" I softly asked.

"An hour, at most." He replied, and I shivered as I felt his warm breath against my neck. "We're almost in Forlì..."

"E-Ezio.." I breathed out, giggling. "We're in public!"

"So~?" I swear to God I could feel his lips curl up into a smirk against my neck. I managed to turn myself around so I could properly look up at his beautiful eyes. Suddenly, I grabbed the edges of his hood and pulled it on in a swift movement, giggling as I saw his expression morph into one of surprise.

"Wait until we're alone, Assassino (Assassin)...~" I whispered as I moved closer to his face, smirking as I left the slightest kiss I could ever leave against his lips, to a point where our lips were barely touching.

In the blink of an eye, he pulled me tightly against his frame. I had spent too many nights in his bed to recognize that gaze instantly: an intense gaze clouded with lust. "Stai giocando con il fuoco, amore mio (You're playing with fire, my love)...~" he whispered. That bastard... he knew exactly what that did to me. But I wasn't in the mood to give in just yet. So, I did my best to hide the pleasurable shiver that just went down my spine and concealed it with a teasing reply.

"Vivo una vita pericolosa... amo prendere rischi (I live a dangerous life...I love taking risks)~" I smirked as I pulled away from him. I knew I was in for a treat once we reached Monteriggioni. But until then, I planned on making him suffer. "Do you not agree, messere (mister)~?"

"Si...ma a volte, i rischi non sono necessari (Yes...but sometimes, risks aren't necessary)~" he said, and I could tell that he was more than willing to play along. I felt him wrap his arms around mine yet again, but this time, I didn't pull away. Instead, I tangled my fingers with his tenderly, letting out a soft sigh as I rested my head back against his chest. Back where it belonged, my brain shamelessly admitted. "I'm finding it hard to hold back with such a beautiful lady in my arms... you should be careful~"

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