The price of truth

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A/N: this will not be an easy chapter to read. Warning: mentions of decapitation ahead. 

This is also my longest chapter to date, with 6700+ words. 

Furthermore, this chapter was directly inspired from chapters 49 to 52 from Oliver Bowden's Assassin's Creed: Revelations


Tiber Island Headquarters


Luglio MDXI (July 1511)

My dearest mother,

It is so good to finally be able to read your letters. Things here have been rather quiet. Ever since the Borgias were thrown out of power, Templars have been finding it hard to grow. Every week, we deal with minor threats.

It is good to hear of your journey's success. Father's letters kept coming in from so many cities, I wondered when you would finally settle in so we could write back. But alas, I must admit that Aurora and I are rather disappointed to know that Masyaf was a dead end. Without the keys, at least. And now, not only you must retrieve them, but also deal with a big Templar presence and a group of Byzantines trying to get back into power. I know the recruits that you sent to Constantinopoli mentioned how bad things were getting, but I never thought it would be this bad. I fear only two people might not be enough to end this war, but then again, I know you are not alone. Yusuf Tazim is a good man who has helped several of our comrades in the past. I know he will do well by you. And it will be an honor to finally meet the man my comrades speak so highly of.

Things have been so different here without you both. The Headquarters is so silent. Diana thinks I am exaggerating, but the truth is I really do miss you both. If I could, I would have gone straight to you both and help. Even though I love her more than anything, being apart from my parents has been the hardest experience I have ever been through. Aurora tries to act all tough, but she feels the same way. Please, come back soon to us.

Con affetto (Affectionately)

Leandro Auditore

Ohh, my poor baby... I hugged the letter close to my heart, sighing. This was the only piece I had of him in the last year and a half. This was pure torture. All I wanted was to pull him in for a big hug, but he was still so far away... And who even knows how much longer it might take for us to go back to Roma. Ugh, this sucks... I was about to put the letter down, when suddenly... BOOM!! I jumped in surprise at the sound of an explosion coming from the nearby room. I put the letter down and ran towards it, only to stop in my tracks by the doorframe. Yusuf was laughing his ass off, while a dirty-faced Ezio gave him one of the most annoyed looks I had ever seen. It was honestly too much. I began laughing as well.

"Ohh, not you too!!" Ezio groaned out, placing the small vials down on the table. Yusuf kept laughing like a maniac, to the point where he even fell off the chair. Ezio only sighed in response, causing me to giggle.

"You need to be more careful when adding the gunpowder, Ezio." I smirked out as I walked over to him.

"I know that, but it is not easy." He groaned out, leaning back so he could lay on the carpeted floor. "I always had bombs made for me. Doing them myself is different."

"I know, I know." I giggled as I sat on the pillows next to him. "You'll get the hang of it, I promise." Ezio didn't reply, giving me one of his adorable pouts. Silence surrounded us for a few moments as I looked down at him, taking special care to take in every detail of his handsome face. His blackened cheeks, his gorgeous brown eyes, his messy graying bangs... Without even realizing it, I began to run my fingers through his soft hair, relishing in the sight of him closing his eyes in bliss. "When are you headed out to find the last key, by the way?" I decided to ask after a few moments of silence.

A game, or real life? (Ezio x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin