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"U-Uncle Mario...!" Ezio stuttered out in surprise as he was suddenly pulled into a bone-crushing hug by his uncle. He even lifted him off the ground for a few moments!

As he put him down, he said in between deep chuckles. "It's been too long, nipote (nephew)! Far too long!" he said, placing his hand on his shoulder. His laughter faded to a sympathetic smile as he said softly. "I heard what happened in Firenze...Terrible." he shook his head. "Come, Let's get you all away from here." he gave his shoulder a small pat before turning around and heading straight to the fortress' gates, followed by his men. Ezio looked back at us to make sure we were alright before once again taking the lead, and we were yet again silently following him into Monteriggioni. "So. Tell me everything." Mario said as he walked, looking back at his nephew.

"They executed father for treason. Federico and Petruccio too. Then they came for me." Ezio said, pain and grief heavy in his words.

"Do you know why?" Mario inquired. I tilted my head at this. Where was he getting at with this conversation?

"I have no answers, uncle.... Only a list of names taken from a man who wished me dead." Ezio explained softly, shaking his head. "I-I still can't believe they are gone..." At this, I walked a bit faster to catch up to him and placed yet again my hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

"Don't worry. We will make sense of this." Mario too, wished to reassure his nephew. He gave him a gentle, sympathetic look as we walked.

"I wish I shared your optimism." Ezio replied sadly, lightly placing his hand over mine as if silently thanking me.

"Come on, keep pace! We're almost there. I think you will find much to like in Monteriggioni!" Mario replied loudly then, as if trying to lift the mood. But it wasn't really working. Ahead of us, I could see a majestic set of stairs with a small fountain at the bottom, upon which proudly stood the symbol of the Assassins. A few vines seem to be growing around it, I noted as Mario continued talking. "Our shops may only carry simple goods, but they're well-made and dependable. There's a chapel here, too. The prete (priest) seems a nice enough fellow, but I've never been much of a believer." he trailed off as we began to ascend the stairs. They led to an abandoned training arena, where I guess Mario trained in many years earlier. "Did you know the Villa Auditore is almost 200 years old? It was built by my great-grandfather, a strange man, who carried all kinds of secrets. Keep your eyes open, and you might discover a few of them yourself." he informed with a proud smile.

The four of us stopped in our tracks, now at the top of the stairs, at the sight of the Villa Auditore Mario seemed to be so proud of. Several windows had been covered by wooden planks and dead vines covered the entire building. It almost looked like it was abandoned!...okay, maybe I was exaggerating a bit, but thankfully, I wasn't the only one with the same reaction. Looking up at Ezio, I had to cover my mouth to muffle a small giggle. His horrified expression, along with Claudia's, were to die for. "With all the fighting that's been going on, this place has started to get a bit rough around the edges." Mario explained as he too, looked at the state of the villa. Nah, you think?! "I wish I could do something about it, but I just don't have time or money to fix things up. Guess that's life, eh?" he shrugged. "Anyways, here we are! Casa dolce casa! (Home sweet home!) What do you think?"

"It's....most impressive, uncle." Ezio said hesitantly, trying to mask his horrified expression.

A game, or real life? (Ezio x reader)Where stories live. Discover now