Don't leave me...

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A/N: First things first, this was a HORRIBLE chapter for me to write, I apologize. I've been at this story for almost a year now. It's a project that's been keeping my love for AC, but mostly Ezio and Altaïr, alive. You know AC, you know where this chapter is going. And I honestly cried while writing this chapter. Good thing I had my boyfriend to comfort me, even though we could only talk through texts (given the current situations). 

Later on, you'll see that I translated "tesoro" differently, from "sweetheart" to "darling". I just picked which was better suited given the context, but the meaning is pretty much the same. 

This chapter, though I took some creative liberty with it, is a direct reference to Assassin's Creed: Embers, along with Assassin's Creed: Revelations, by Oliver Bowden, who decides to end his novel with the events of Embers. 

We're almost at the end, guys...


1524. Ohhh, what a wonderful morning it was... the unforgiving August sun had begun to give in to the softer, gentler warmth of September, and as I sat behind my desk and wrote, nothing was better. Well, at I thought. Honestly, Ezio always loved to prove me wrong, no matter how many years went by. And as he wrapped those loving arms around my waist, oh...I couldn't help but lean back into his chest. I felt the softness of his lips up on the top of my head, before finally feeling the comforting weight of his chin on my shoulder. And I didn't even hesitate to turn my head to the side, capturing those irresistible lips with a soft kiss. Hmm....things couldn't get any more perfect than this...

"Still writing...?" his soft voice broke the silence as he breathed out against my lips. "Come outside, amore mio (my love)... it is such a wonderful day out."

"Hmm..." I hummed softly, leaving one more gentle kiss against his lips. "I might do that indeed... I was just writing a letter to Leandro, see how things are in Roma."

"Things have indeed been quiet." Ezio smiled. "Perhaps it is for the best. Now come, love. We should start with the harvest."

"You can still go out to Firenze and hire some men to help out." I tried to persuade once more, but like before, he still shook his head. I sighed. Ohh, it was no use. He'd never listen to reason. No matter how much he coughed, or how much his body ached, he still decided to play it safe and do the harvest himself. I sighed. This was madness. But nevertheless, I was his wife, and I wanted to help.

Morning turned to afternoon as we spent our time collecting the delicious grapes. But it would seem, at least, that our afternoon wouldn't be as monotonous as I had originally thought. We started to hear the sound of hooves in the distance, so I immediately rushed back to Ezio. I was already a panting mess when I finally caught up with him, his gaze already locked onto a carriage quickly approaching the villa. I could see Ezio's shoulders tense up at the sight, making me slightly nervous as well. But I quickly relaxed upon seeing the driver, wearing the white uniform of the Roman Assassin brotherhood. He stopped the carriage right before us, just as the door opened. And out came, much to my surprise and joy, Leandro, Aurora and Yusuf, accompanied by little Mariana. Our little granddaughter leapt into Ezio's awaiting arms, while I stepped forth and greeted our guests. I was so happy to see them, but...much to my surprise, their faces looked grave, serious. That immediately made me snap back to reality. If they were here, then something was up. Something serious. Something dangerous.

A game, or real life? (Ezio x reader)Where stories live. Discover now