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My dearest diary

I know it's been several months now since my last entry, but I couldn't find any time for me to just sit comfortably and write. These past two years have been ruthless. To both Ezio and I. After Francesco de Pazzi's death, Lorenzo gave us the names of the other men belonging to the Pazzi conspiracy. Antonio Maffei, Stefano da Bagnone, Bernardo Baroncelli and Francesco Salviati. These men, who had fled to San Gimignano after their failed assassination attempt, all fell dead to Ezio's blade. I was there, by his side, and got my fair share of scars for it. But at least, it made me stronger, more aware of my surroundings. Even to this day, as light bruises cover my arms and legs from another ruthless training with Mario and his men, I grow stronger. I have yet much to learn, that much, I know. To be honest, I doubt I'll ever be as skilled and deadly as Ezio is, but I'm sure as Hell going to try it.

Lately, I haven't been travelling around with Ezio. I remained in Firenze, while as I write, Ezio is probably on a horse on his way to Venezia. It would seem that Leonardo moved in, so I too, will be going there soon. But there is still much to do here. Lorenzo has been leaving several assassination targets in pigeon coops dispersed all around the city. I've been taking care of them, so that Ezio could focus on his task at hand.

As I sit here behind my desk, my thoughts drift back to what my life used to be. I was so naïve, spending my days shut in my bedroom with my eyes glued to a screen. I was oblivious to the struggles the Assassins were facing, and of the blood that coated my parents' hands. Sometimes, I look at the Apple and wonder what to do with it. Should I use it? Maybe it'd show me what's been going on in my era. Or maybe it'll only show me what my deepest desires wish to see. And as this thought crosses my mind, I pull my hand away from it. It's as Altaïr says. It's temptation incarnate.

Things with Ezio have been doing...fine. As per usual. Oh, who am I trying to fool... the fact that we've been constantly busy shouldn't bother me, yet it leaves an uncomfortable pang in my chest. I miss those times, when we'd spend entire nights up on the rooftops, and when morning would come, we'd try our best not to fall asleep in front of Mario. Even now, as the thought crosses my mind, a smile creeps onto my lips. I should've predicted this. I knew that as Assassins, we had other priorities. We needed to focus on our missions first, before ourselves. All this struggle for a purpose we don't quite yet understand. Neither Altaïr seemed to fully understand why we fought. At least, that's what I was able to grasp from the few Codex pages we currently have. Reading his words have been absolutely fascina-

"Ehi (Hey), (y/n)." I heard Claudia's voice suddenly, and I nearly dropped my quill in surprise.

"Claudia! I wasn't expecting you to come here." I said with a tender smile. I put my quill down and left the notebook open so the ink could dry before I stood up. "How have you been?" I asked her happily, moving over to give her a hug.

"I should be asking you the same." She smiled softly. "Don't think I have not noticed those scars. How have things been with Ezio?"

"The usual. I distract the guards, he goes for the kill." I shrugged, moving over to sit down on my bed. "He left for Venezia this morning. I'll join him once I'm done with Lorenzo's missions."

"What if he doesn't stop handing you targets?" she slowly asked, growing worried. "You've been killing for him for two years now."

"A task I do willingly." I shook my head. "He's a friend to the Auditores, but you have a fair point. It's been two years already. And I'm leading myself astray from my true goal: to be there for Ezio."

A game, or real life? (Ezio x reader)Where stories live. Discover now