Life moves on

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All I wanted was to go back home, to Roma. All I wanted was to see my children again, and pull them in for the greatest hug of their entire lives. But I knew it was impossible for now, as, there were still some unfinished business in Constantinopoli. And so, as warm, spring winds filled our sails, we headed back to that wonderful city I never thought I'd see again. 

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us, Sofia?" I asked her as we stood at the front of the ship, watching as waves crashed against the wooden surface of the caravan. "We could find you a nice little spot by la Isola Tiberina (Tiber Island). You'd be safe there." 

"I know, (y/n), but I really do not want to bother." She smiled softly. "Besides, my place is here, in Constantinople. I've grown fond of this city." 

"I can most certainly understand that feeling." My smile widened as I recalled the stunning beauty the city had to offer. "Constantinopoli really is a breathtaking city." 

"Unique in its kind." She nodded in agreement, before silence settled between us. Her gaze softened. "Travelling with you and Ezio has been the craziest journey of my life. He was right: you really are the most interesting couple in my life." At that, even I couldn't prevent a soft giggle from escaping my lips. "But my place is here. This is my home, along with my books." 

"Roma will always have its doors open for you, you know." I persuaded. 

"I know, and I thank you for it. Perhaps one day, I might visit and finally meet your twins." She smiled tenderly. "But not for now. At the very least, I will write." 

"Good." And with that, I gazed into the horizon. "Ezio said that Suleiman's willing to protect you and the Brotherhood." 

"Sultan Selim's son, prince Suleiman?" she asked in surprise. 

"Si." I nodded. "Ezio and I helped him a lot during our quest to find the keys. So technically, he was in our debt. He offered to place the Assassins under his protection before we left to Acre, from what Ezio told me." 

"Good. Perhaps now, life will be easier for all of us." A few moments of silence settled between us before she broke it. "(y/n), I am far from being a capable fighter, but... I wish to help the cause." 

"The Assassins?" I asked in surprise, causing her to nod in response. 

"I could provide them with knowledge, who knows." She shrugged. "But after what I saw, I do not want to stay still and do nothing while such an important conflict is going on. Plus, I want to know more about your history, of how the Assassins came to be." 

"Well, I think you'd be welcome at the Galata headquarters." I smiled softly. "Knowledge has always been an ally. And though you cannot defend yourself, you can still be of a useful aid to us. I only ask one thing in return." Before her questioning gaze, I continued. "If you do decide to join the Brotherhood..." I began as I looked down at my branded finger. "Ask our brothers and sisters to teach you how to defend yourself. You never know when you might need it." 

A game, or real life? (Ezio x reader)Where stories live. Discover now