I'm so confused...

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Thanks to La Volpe's precious help, Ezio and I were able to listen in on a secret meeting going on between Rodrigo Borgia and some of his most trusted men. Among them was Vieri's father, Francesco de Pazzi. They mentioned weapons enough to arm an entire army, but that wasn't the most shocking revelation. They were planning an assassination. Lorenzo Medici. One of the most powerful entities in all of Firenze.

Rushing to the time and place of the execution, Ezio and I were able to prevent them from killing off Medici, but we weren't completely successful. Medici had been injured, and by the way he was losing blood, it looked serious. His blood coated my clothes, drying to the wind as we ran to our next location, hoping to kill Francesco while he was still close. I fought guard after guard, serving as a distraction while Ezio took care of the Assassination. It had always been a silent agreement we had. An agreement we came to without even discussing it back when he killed Vieri in San Gimignano. I took care of the guards while he killed the target. He was the one seeking revenge. I was more than willing to place myself as a tool that he could use so his missions would go smoothly.

We met up on the roofs a few minutes after his mission was successful, using the commotion caused by Francesco's nearly bare body hanging by his neck against the Palazzo's walls to retreat without being seen. "Are you alright? All that blood-" he began to ask, but I cut him off.

"Not mine. A few guards' and Medici's." I replied as I looked down at my robes. Thank goodness I was wearing mostly dark clothes. It was barely noticeable, but I could still feel the dampness of the fabric against my skin. "Listen, I need to head back to Monteriggioni. Hang these pages up on the wall. I could really do with a bath too."

"Then I'm going with you." Ezio immediately replied, but I interrupted him.

"No, I need you here." I shook my head, smiling. "Remember what we're looking for. Hidden tombs and Codex pages. They could be anywhere. This could be a perfect occasion to go look for some."

"....are you sure?" he asked with a serious tone, looking at me in the eye as he placed his hands on my shoulders. "I fear what could happen on your way back."

"I'm sure." I nodded, placing my hand over his reassuringly. "Everything will be alright. No need to worry. Besides, you're far better at climbing than I am. It'll be a good opportunity to go look around freely without having me to slow you down." I lightly teased.

Fortunately, that was enough to replace that small frown with a light chuckle. "Don't underestimate yourself so. You nearly caught me the last time we raced!"

"Now that's an overstatement." I giggled out, and after a few moments of silence, my giggles faded into a soft smile. "I'll be fine, really. If it'll make you feel better, you can follow me back to the gates."

"I was going to do it anyways, you know." he chuckled out. All he got as a response was a light punch to his chest before we were on our way out of Firenze. Well...at least I was. Before I crossed the gate, I turned around to see him crouching on the edge of a rooftop not far from me. I smiled tenderly and waved at him before I headed out to the stables and hopped onto my horse's back. Stay strong, Ezio. I will return soon...

A game, or real life? (Ezio x reader)Where stories live. Discover now