Long-deserved peace

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My dearest diary,

At last, I find some time to just sit and rest. It has now been 6 months since Ezio left to Spain, and if anyone ever said that I had it easy, that someone was clearly lying. These past few months have been the absolute worst. Not only for me, but to Leandro and Aurora too. Ever since he left, they've been asking me to send them on mission after mission, each getting more perilous the more agile they became. But alas, seen as they were now adults, I had no reason to refuse such demand from them. So, they've been to Lisbon, to Paris, travelled all across Italy. I even sent Aurora to Madrid once, in a mission where she was accompanied by another recruit that lasted a full month. And now, as 1506 came to an end, they were skilled enough to do the initiation ceremony and become Assassins. When I came to speak to them and tell them the news, however, they refused. And I didn't need to ask them why, for I understood them perfectly. They wanted their father to give them the long-awaited rank. They wanted him to be there, smiling proudly at them. And I couldn't blame them – I would've wanted the very same thing, had I been in their spot.

Ezio....I can't help but worry about him. Master Assassin, Mentore...my husband... So legendary to the eyes of many, yet so...human to my eyes. Leonardo arrived from Valencia a few weeks ago, and after resting, he came to the hideout with a letter from Ezio. He explained that the search for Cesare was growing more and more complicated, and with that, I decided to open the letter. I quickly recognized Ezio's rushed, yet still beautiful writing, as if he was in a hurry to get it done. "We are closely following Micheletto. He first led us to the Castillo de la Mota, where he succeeded in freeing Cesare from his chains – we arrived too late to stop him, sfortunatamente. We are now resting in Valencia, where there are already traces of Cesare's new army rising. I must act fast. Since Leonardo is returning earlier than expected to Roma, he will bring this letter to you. Forgive me, (y/n), but I will be away for a little while longer. Forgive the briefness of this letter, mia rosa. Ti amo. Just wait a little longer for me." Even now, as I write this journal entry, as I write the contents of that short letter, it's like I could hear Ezio's soft, deep voice reading it our loud just for me. Hearing his voice, even though it was but a mere illusion of the senses, brought comfort to me. I knew that he was out there, and that soon enough, he'd return triumphant, like he always does. Soon enough, he'll return to me. To us.

"Mother? I've returned." Leandro's sweet voice echoed throughout the empty walls of the hideout. I placed my quill down and stood up, smiling brightly as I saw my beautiful son walk towards me.

"Leandro! At last!" I knew this wasn't suitable as Mentore to worry so much for my men. But this was no ordinary recruit. So, I brushed all that professionalism aside as I rushed towards him and hugged him tightly. Leandro didn't even hesitate as I felt his strong arms wrap themselves around my body. God, my little baby was not little anymore. In fact, I even needed to look up to meet his gaze. To meet that tender gaze that now, more than ever, reminded me of his father. Now, more than ever, simply gazing into those soft brown eyes hurt. I stood on my tip toes and placed a light kiss on his cheek. "It's good to have you back, son."

"It's good to be back, Mother." He said with a soft smile, and after a few more moments of hugging, we walked back to my office. "Three weeks went by so quickly. I couldn't imagine I was already on my way back."

"Three weeks? Felt more like 3 months to me." I shook my head with a soft smile as I sat down on my chair once more. "So tell me. How was your trip?"

A game, or real life? (Ezio x reader)Where stories live. Discover now