Hate can only last so long

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A/N: Oooof! Finally I'm able to post something! Ugh, college is going to be the end of me... -___-

But hopefully, this will make up for it! I've officially broken my record, with this chapter being the longest I've ever written!

Also, I'd like to give a special thanks to my best friend, Ana, for helping me write the last segment of this chapter. XDD

Lastly, the picture above is the dress that Sofia picks for Reader. It's a 16th century italian dress that I personally found breathtaking. 


For some reason, time has been flowing by so slowly since the 3rd key was found. September had finally settled in, but to me, it felt like a full year had gone by, not just 2 months. Ever since Ezio found that key, he's been so distant. We barely even talk. Most of the time, I go to bed before he even gets home, and on a few rare occasions in which we fell asleep together, I'd wake up alone. Something was deeply disturbing him, and it hurt to be unable to do anything. Not only because I didn't know what to do, but also because we barely had any time for ourselves. Suleiman's suspicions towards Tarik Barleti, Janissary Captain, and a dear friend of Suleiman's father, grew, to a point where little indicated that he might be innocent. But what did it for Suleiman was the dire news that Tarik had sold weapons to Manuel Palaiologos, and his surname itself was enough to tie him to the Byzantines. Suleiman ordered Tarik's death, of which Ezio could not refuse. I wanted to go with him, but I was met with a brief no. "Why the hell not?" I asked him then, surprised. "Ezio, it's too dangerous for you to go alone."

"Tarik will be completely surrounded by Janissaries. I will need to be one of them just to get closer. It is a mission that I must do on my own." Ezio shook his head as we began to walk away.

"You'll be entering a lion's den, Ezio." I shook my head. "You know how dangerous Janissaries are."

"There is no other way." He objected. "Tarik needs to die."

"Does he really?" I asked then, causing his gaze to drift back to me. "What if it's not what it seems?"

"Give me proof of his innocence and I shall stay my blade." Ezio replied, and without a second thought, he began to walk away. I hurried after him, and just as I was about to place my hand on his shoulder, his hand caught my wrist. "(y/n), stop." He said, his tone growing impatient.

"What is wrong with you, Ezio?!" I gritted my teeth. "Ever since you discovered that key, you've been distant. I barely even see you, and now you push me away! What are you not telling me?! Is it something I did?" My questions were met with silence, only angering me further. "Rispondimi, merda (Answer me, dammit)!"

"(y/n), you are making a scene..." Ezio replied deeply, and I knew his patience was growing thin. Perhaps then, if I made him snap, he'd tell me something. So, I continued.

"Am I really? Am I not allowed to question your weird behavior? These frequent absences? How many times have I woken up to you sleeping beside me these past 2 months, huh? And let's not even mention how you've been hanging out more and more with Sofia! I... I just...." I sighed. "I'm sick of this, Ezio...you were never one to keep secrets from me... What's going on in that head of yours...?"

A game, or real life? (Ezio x reader)Where stories live. Discover now